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  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO376G4tbGM&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fresults%3Fsearch_query%3Dhalo%2B4%2Btraielr%26oq%3Dhalo%2B4%2Btraielr%26gs_l%3Dyoutube.3..0i10l10.368.3721.0.4121. It's the "Scanned" trailer. Also Are you saying that the clones don't have the same lifespan as humans? Because if so I didn't know that and that makes sense. Otherwise I think the clones are clones and would have the same experiences and memory as those they are cloned from. Even if that weren't the case, they are cloned children, the original children don't have too much military knowledge either
  2. So the halo 4 trailer confirms that the Spartans are kidnapped as children and trained and augmented into soldiers. It also confirms that the ONI makes clones of the abducted children to keep parents and friends in the dark. But if the ONI can clone people why can't they train the clones to be Spartans? Why isn't the UNSC replaced with clones? How can this be canon??
  3. Shh, you're blowing the booster sting operation's cover!
  4. Yep, we gained the hella kickass Mantis, but at the cost of the falcon and still no transport warthog
  5. Yep, I would love for it to go just far enough to dodge a banshee bomb
  6. I think it's more effective than the AR at close range but haven't confirmed it. I love it bc it outmatches the chronic BR/DMR strafers once you've closed in a bit
  7. Same, plasma rifle was pretty useless in every other halo game. I think the pr looked cooler and I would love to see it return with a functional role but I am definitely content
  8. Plasma pistol takes longer to charge and consumes ammo much faster than it used to so at least it's not entirely bull****. I haven't been killed by noob combo too much yet and I've been playing a lot but hopefully it doesn't end up being op
  9. You liked the underwater map in high ground? Ugh you have terrible taste haha. The maps don't suck but yeah it does feel like an eff you after all the cool stuff added to forge and no forge world
  10. If we still can't put our guns down like in halo 2 why would they do anything else for machinima. Good idea but it would take a decent amount of time that could be spent on new maps
  11. Everything looks smaller through the editor's eye but yes I'd still love a forge world. It could be the same one from reach or even just a blank empty expanse, I wouldn't mind.
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