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Daniel Boston

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    Huntington Beach, CA

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  1. But i wanna see them taake that to a whole other level. Massive Mulitplayer Online. Like BF3. Huge. Keep the storyline rich and the game plan simple enough to let the player enjoy the replay. I mean... Spartan ops is spartan ops. I want to see 343 make a game where the player is put through everything the everyday spartan would be put through... the training, the emotion, the darkness. Give player the insite of what it takes to become this. then throw them out into the world of Halo where anything can happen, If youre not good enough, you die. If youre a beast, you dominate the battlefield. This creates Egos and the Idea that they are really spartans. See what I mean? Not just heres your job spartan go blow up a turret or something... No make it as if noone else could complete these tasks... The odds overwhelming.. The action intense and the story meaningful. Get where Im going? -Danster1001 Maybe even put up to 16 player co-op To hell with the deathmatch multiplayer... recruit your friends to help fight off the covenant. And since the ammount of players is so high, take the game to a whole new level of tactics... For Example, lets say theres a group of covenant grunts and brute held out in a building holding marines captive. Tanks patrol the grounds and Banshees control the skies. You split the 16 player platoon into 4 groups (Alpha,Bravo,Charlie,Delta) Alpha is specialized on air (Based on loaded presets) Bravo on Armor and Charlie/ Delta on Infantry combat and the Raid. This makes the groups split apart to complete diffrent objectives all at once so that each squad can complete their peice. Charlie and Delta clear the building and save the marines. Once Alpha takes out the banshees and Bravo takes out the tanks, Charlie and Delta call in for evac. Unfortunatley, Evac is delayed and the squads must form up and protect the marines until evac arrives. Allout warfare strikes, players will die hard, but once the evac arrives and the remaining members of the team and marines get aboard the pelican... it makes it feel like they succeeded and that they are not invinsible. Thats the problem with Halo. We feel as playing as the master cheif that we are invincible. Reach and ODST were the first games i felt showed vulnerability. What do you think? Taking Spartan Ops to a whole new level. Add a story and a reason to fight... and I'd say thats a good game wouldnt you?
  2. Trying to make a legit Halo movie kinda like Forward Unto Dawn. Throw some ideas in here so I can give it a shot. Once the film is made i will post a link to it in the forum, but first i need Ideas. What do you want to see? -Danster1001
  3. yes and no... kinda like the spartan ops they just brought in, but more like reach in how its your story. Every player has the same story which makes every player the same... then you add in a story that is similar to reach or ODST, where Master Cheif has no part. You and your friends can build up your spartan to fit what you like (Jet Packs, Loadouts ect ect.) A RPG in a sense but still a FPS. See where im going with this? Spartan Ops is kinda the game im looking for but add a legit story line and make it about just the spartans and not Master Cheif and his quests. What are your ideas KiinG?
  4. So I've come up with an ingenius idea for something similar to the feel of ODST and Reach. What if there was a game where you could be just a spartan. Not following after other big naamed storyline characters like george, jun or even master cheif. A game where you can fight along side your friends just as a spartan. Start with the ida that you yourself have been abducted or wake up in chrio-sleep to begin your training to become one of the most elitte fighting forces out there; The Spartan. You are made, fight and feel like everyone else. Not better or worse than anyone. Using the same idea as Halo multiplayer, where you can customize your armor and looks ect... Im still in development on this idea so give me some ideas so maybe we can send this into 343 and make it real! -Danster1001
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