The reason is that we are an angry bunch. Who "can't adapt" or "complain too much". That was just sarcasm. The real reason is that most people ( at least I think most) agrees that the DMR is the prominent weapon in Halo 4. I don't like, but I can deal with it for now. And we the angry bunch like the BR much more for some reason. We also don't like the 1-shot secondary, the idea is so alien to us halo players that we deny to deal with it. The idea is pretty obvious that we're complaining because we don't like the game balance, and to openly say your sick of people complaining kind-of offends us who think there is a real problem with the game. How else are these problems to be fixed? If we don't complain they don't know that this crap is broken. I'm also sorry to say that not everyone agrees that the game is 100% orgasm perfect with weapon balancing. Perhaps instead of attempting the implement the idea that all of us complainers are retards who don't know what we're talking about, you should tell us why all of these weapons are perfectly balanced. Oh yes, I'm sick of people complaining about complainers on the forums, it's what the balance discussion is for.