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Kiing 0f Coffe

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Everything posted by Kiing 0f Coffe

  1. I like blowing up vehicles with my fists.
  2. its not OP, the surcumstances of it being good is at extremely strict mid-range, and you can avoid the needles homing at you by ducking behind cover, its a power weapon, so it is supposed to be good.
  3. The lightrifle sucks at short range and the DMR is Much much MUCH better at shortrange, just like all of the other weapons. and the solutions of the boltshot rely on armour abilities and the hologram solution relies on people falling for the hologram. People shouldn't be limited to these armour abilities just because of the boltshot.
  4. (Is there a way to fix this double quoting thing?) Ok! what you're saying about the boltshot is true and would be fine if it wasn't a secondary gun. The boltshot is very easy because we don't have these short bursts of sudden movement that elites do in the campaign. So, it is very easy to track a player with the boltshot until it is charged. I fully agree about the assault weapons they were done well. The DMR doesn't just own at long ranges ( which is what it was designed to do) but with decent aiming, the DMR wins vs. all of the other precision weapons except maybe the Carbine. The plasma pistol is fine as it is but moving it to a 12 shot wouldn't hurt the game.
  5. I guess im the only one here who thinks the weapons need some tweaks. Commence flaming, i can take it
  6. (for somereason it will only allow me to quote everything u said) Yah, you may be right about the carbine. I don't stink with it BTW and im not one of those guys thinking a gun is unfair because the guy using it is better than i am. Lets time travel shall we? Halo 3 has sold millions of copies, and it has a very high skill cap for precision weapons. The carbine and the BR were high skill guns, and with the rank system, players would get put against players of their own skill. So, they can use the BR and the Carbine to get better with it. "But right now there isn't a ranking system" you might say, the ranking system is coming, and it would be the perfect time to implement some changes to the BR. Also, the argument that the BR has compensation for being a worse gun ( which sadly is true) makes the DMR balanced is probably the thinking 343i had when they made the game. The DMR should function like the Light Rifle does. Light rifle ROFL STOMPS at long range. Light rifle gets ROFL STOMPED at short range. DMR ROFL STOMPS at all ranges. BR's compensation? Aim assist. Halo has never been a game where a less skilled player can beat a higher skilled player cause he's using a different loadout. The competitive will soon recognize the BR as the noob weapon of Halo 4. We really don't want to hear this while playing, "OMG! some KID ON THE OTHER TEAM IS USING THE BR! WHAT A FREAKEN NOOB! GOSH! THAT GUN HAS WAAAAAYYYY TOO MUCH AIM ASSIST! IT IS SO EASY TO USE GUYS OMG!" Halo doesn't need people from COD to come play and think they're good cause they can spam Boltshot, and cause they can aim assist (dramatization) their way to victory with the BR. As I have said, put in spread and reduce aim assist and add 4-shot. Then we both have advantages and disadvantages with our guns so we can finally stop debating about something that should've been recognized during closed-beta.
  7. "I don't agree at all. I think it's great that newbie players finally have a precision weapon specially for them. There's nothing wrong with making a game more user-friendly, and it certainly doesn't hurt to give them a chance to actually fight back against the better players. If you think you're a good enough player, switch it out for a Carbine or a DMR of your own. " Red Star Rocket. The new players already have weapons like the assault rifle, and the carbine (it isn't hard to use). So why make it to where the only precision weapons that should be used by pros the Light Rifle, and the DMR? The BR was designed for CQB and mid-range combat, not NOOB friendlyness. The Assault rifle and the Carbine should be the Noob Friendly guns as their combat capabilities are terrible for a skilled player and good for Noobs. Halo doesn't need another go-to noob weapon. A skilled DMR pro should beat a skilled BR pro at CQB , Mid-range, and Long range.
  8. Halo isnt a "user friendly game", and I think you've only played REACH if you don't agree that the BR needs a place in the game other than the Noob go-to precision weapon. There shouldn't be a noob go-to weapon in halo. COD, sure. What you could do is make BR 4-shot but add spread and less aim-assist for the weapon. That way a skilled BR player can catch up in the correct surcumstances against a skilled DMR player. 1st person shooters shouldn't have weapon load-out counters. That is for RTS's
  9. Sometimes, you are forced to fall prey to the boltshot. The maps have some CQB situations that getting killed by the gun is impossible unless you happen to have hardlight shield. This shotgun element from COD doesn't belong in halo. The boltshot has a longer 1-hit range than the shotgun or the scatter. This would be fine if it wasn't a secondary weapon. The reason the Splaser wasn't OP was because you couldn't start out with the thing. The boltshot would be fine if it wasn't a secondary. About the plasma pistol mele, the mele range in this game is super small, and at a distance you can easily dodge the plasma pistol EMP.
  10. Im tired of playing on the same 5 small maps Please bring some 4v4/5v5 maps please.
  11. Ah, the "you just suck" card. Being that butthurt about it is a little rediculous, but a 1-shot pistol with more range than the UNSC shotgun? There is no way that can be balanced.
  12. Do you play COD? Yes the game must evolve. It has cattered to players play styles. But, i dont think there should be a spam grenade playstyle. Infinite sprint was great for players who liked moving around. Dexterity is kind-of forced though, its like slight of hand from COD. About the boltshot, what if they made it like the Halo 3 mauler?
  13. perhaps the shotgun isnt good vs your playstyle in halo 4. I've been killed and have killed hundreds of times with the shotty, the scatter , and (sigh) the boltshot.
  14. The DMR is (for a nonpro player) better everywhere, for the average BR slightly better at cqb, then the DMR just wins.
  15. Its not that its unrelistic, it brings a bad element to the game.
  16. I hope they take their time. Halo is good cause a new game doesnt come out every year like COD.
  17. Throwback sucks, snipers doesn't there is your awnser 343.
  18. People werent crying for these playlist. People were crying for Lonewolves, MLG, and team doubles. In addition (IN MY OPINION) these are the worst FFA playlists in the history of halo.
  19. It will hopefully be in the January patch atleast.
  20. Chill, they already said they will add it in JANUARY.
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