(for somereason it will only allow me to quote everything u said) Yah, you may be right about the carbine. I don't stink with it BTW and im not one of those guys thinking a gun is unfair because the guy using it is better than i am. Lets time travel shall we? Halo 3 has sold millions of copies, and it has a very high skill cap for precision weapons. The carbine and the BR were high skill guns, and with the rank system, players would get put against players of their own skill. So, they can use the BR and the Carbine to get better with it. "But right now there isn't a ranking system" you might say, the ranking system is coming, and it would be the perfect time to implement some changes to the BR. Also, the argument that the BR has compensation for being a worse gun ( which sadly is true) makes the DMR balanced is probably the thinking 343i had when they made the game. The DMR should function like the Light Rifle does. Light rifle ROFL STOMPS at long range. Light rifle gets ROFL STOMPED at short range. DMR ROFL STOMPS at all ranges. BR's compensation? Aim assist. Halo has never been a game where a less skilled player can beat a higher skilled player cause he's using a different loadout. The competitive will soon recognize the BR as the noob weapon of Halo 4. We really don't want to hear this while playing, "OMG! some KID ON THE OTHER TEAM IS USING THE BR! WHAT A FREAKEN NOOB! GOSH! THAT GUN HAS WAAAAAYYYY TOO MUCH AIM ASSIST! IT IS SO EASY TO USE GUYS OMG!" Halo doesn't need people from COD to come play and think they're good cause they can spam Boltshot, and cause they can aim assist (dramatization) their way to victory with the BR. As I have said, put in spread and reduce aim assist and add 4-shot. Then we both have advantages and disadvantages with our guns so we can finally stop debating about something that should've been recognized during closed-beta.