I kind of agree. I also disagree. Halo 4 is an AMAZING game! Its super fun, really fast gameplay, and a very good campaign. The multiplayer , as fun as it is , is imballanced. BR: good at close- medium range. DMR: good everywhere. Boltshot, 1 shot secondary. Ordnance, random. Right now, if the game stays the same, MLG wont work. Luck based ordnance is really bad. One side is getting stickys, the other, energy swords. On the other hand, Armour abilities are fantastically balanced. The only one in question is the regeneration field (maybe). I remember being excited when I first heard the BR return. But I found out the return of the 4-shot BR didn't happen. I don't know what the designers had against the mighty 4-shot. In Halo: REACH, Bungie outright removed the fan-favorite weapon. WHY? to get rid of its 4-shot. 343 just gave us the weapon design, and made it a worse DMR. Another thing (this is personal) the lack of snipers on the map. In almost all halo maps. The sniper was somewhere on it. You couldn't miss it. Why couldn't you miss it? Because its the hardest , but the best , powerweapon to use. MLG teams would recruit a player based on their skill with the sniper. You would even see them on CQB maps like Halo 3's Guardian. Now with the random ordnance, you might not get the chance to use the super skill weapon. This can be fixed simply by including snipers on almost all maps. A good thing is its fast paced multiplayer. You also cant get away with being completely awful . Sadly, this is the only thing keeping it going. The boltshot brings back COD memories. If you played MW2, you probably complained about people running around with shot guns , and just using shot guns in general. People didn't get on COD (back then) to run around with the shotgun very often. It wasn't the point of the game. The point of the game (sadly) was to run around with GUNS! Not shotguns! And if you can have easy access to this kind of weaponry, it brings an unwanted element to the game! The sprint mechanic is actually, one of the best additions to the game. This brings it more fast paced, more combat, more teamwork, more... EVERYTHING! Lastly perks. 100% unnecesary, the game would probably be better without them. In COD, this was almost your forced perk choice. Sleight of Hand, stopping power, commando. You would find yourself at a large disadvantage. Same thing in Halo 4. Your mid distance dueling someone with an assault riffle. Both stop to reload. You dont have dexterity, you have the ammo perk. He has dexterity. He reloads faster BOOM! instant fight winning advantage. The best thing to do is ( I would think as 343) is to take into account of what I'm saying , and make some more balanced COMPETITIVE playlists. Sometimes, it is fun to abuse the imbalanced things about this game, and the right to abuse these things could still remain. With the seperation of competitive and non competitive playlists, everyone will be happy.