Hmph, I must be the only one who has noticed a difference. First of all, at its current state, the boltshot is too weak to be placed out of normal loadouts. The boltshot problem now lies with the killed, not the gun itself. The boltshot is now a punisher. Why it wasn't a punisher before was because people would be in that range any way
in tight quaters. Now, the OHK range has been reduced to 15'. This is a major difference. Before, I could lock down an elbow completely with the boltshot on Adrift. Now, when I camp an elbow, I pray that my prey isn't clinging to the walls when he's sprinting. Because if he is, I'm out of my OHK range. Now, I don't like the element the boltshot has put in Halo 4, but 343 can't take an element out that only half of the community doesn't like, that would be alienating the other half. Think of the nerf like a compromise. The situation is similiar in BR vs DMR in team throwdown. The fine folks who created the playlist, saw 2 halfs of the community. Pro BR, and Pro DMR. To make sure they didn't alienate either parts of the community, they removed the DMR from the load out and made it a pick up weapon. + they also had the DMR load out in the other playlist lack an armor ability. The boltshot situation is similiar. Instead of out right taking it away, and alienating 1 half of the community in the process, they nerfed it, to keep the 2 halfs at a balance. No longer is it out right OP, but it is still in load outs.