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Kiing 0f Coffe

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Everything posted by Kiing 0f Coffe

  1. The grunts need to be funny atleast.
  2. Arn't the UNSC weapons too advanced for bullet drop though?
  3. No, the DMR kills faster
  4. Im very sad halo 4 is not MLG

  5. Im getting Halo 2 Vista to help as much as I can
  6. The carbine's difficulty to use deserves a higher kill time IMO, so yah an 8 too 7-shot kill will be nice. The assault rifle I don't think needs buffing but the storm riffle definitely.
  7. Hopefully if halo 2 vista gets a huge increase in population 343 will change their mind. Let us hope, for the future of halo 2.
  8. I just said name me a time where he pulled that "gig", you're the one calling us "Cry babys" which is an attack on the people who think its OP, now you say I'm treating you poorly because you like a gun. And I'm glad you see a point. One of the few people willing to admit it. Its range is fine though, its the fact that the mid range guns can't keep up with the long ranged gun's power. So its not the DMR needing nerfing, it's the others that need buffing.
  9. LOL, its not like your going to land every hit with the BR and that takes skill, and its not like your going to land every hit with the Carbine and that takes skill. Im indifferent about the boltshot right now, I might decide again later.
  10. Its Bungie's Destiny to be successful with this game!
  11. Every time I play on Black out I get wrecked, could someone give me some tips on it?
  12. Ordinance is probably the biggest problem with halo 4, due to its randomness and encouraging lack of map movement.
  13. I'm not saying the BR isn't viable, I'm saying that its a cripple to use because of the power of the DMR. Just because its possible to do good with the BR doesn't erase the DMR's clear advantages. A famous player ( I forgot who) said,"I would rather have wood than a weapon." The logic behind this is he must play smarter with wood, and perhaps even do better with wood since he's thinking. But, I want the BR to be a tool for getting up close to DMR's and Lightrifles and beat them with an advantage that it should have. Before Halo 4 came out, I remember 343 saying the DMR was meant for long range, and the BR was meant for mid range. They got it half right, The BR and the Carbine are for mid ranges, but the DMR is now for all ranges, and it has more power. The problem with the DMR having slightly more power. Is the fact the DMR was meant to be the counter part of the light rifle. Now, its the counter part to all guns which is unfair. The Carbine and BR need buffs so that the DMR has its fair place in the game, and that it can rock the Carbine and the BR at long ranges, but be rocked by the Carbine and BR at mid ranges. If you notice, this is what is happening with the lighrifle right now. The lighrifle is awful at close range, and you have to be extremely skilled to get a 5-shot with it. At long range,however, it beats everything except the DMR, and then the DMR, its counter part, wins hands down at close range. If there is a problem, if any at all, then why not fix it? O yah, and if this patch that happens angers you Syko Wolf, I suggest you ADAPT!
  14. LOL I love how you highlight what makes the DMR sound balanced. You have a point, but that isn't enough compensation for its faster kill rate and its effeciency at a long distance. And highlight this , we have to land the whole burst while you have to land 1 bullet. Have you watched the vid yet? XD
  15. Lets all throw cash at the new franchise!
  16. If you nerfed the DMR then the lightrifle will be too dominant in long ranged combat. Something to think about.
  17. Dude its a 6 minute video, I think you have the time for it. You're correct, however, the BR's sights never go red at a long distance, and you have to aim at the person in order for it to be red. As for Syko Wolf, this is simply not true. The carbine is the hardest to use, you must spam trigger, aim, move , and jump to use it effectively. Honestly, I'm not sure about the DMR being easier or harder than the BR, they both require good skill. The DMR may have less aim assist (again I'm not sure about the aim assist on the weapons) but the BR is 3 round burst yes? And 3 bullets = a DMR bullet yes? That being said, the fact that you have to hit all three bullets to = a DMR bullet calls for perhaps a slight aim assist advantage if any at all. Again don't hold me on the aim assist of the weapons, but I can surely say the Carbine takes more skill to use than the DMR. But, Syko Wolf, I do applaud you for the attempt to argue at a reasonable angle, most just throw a personal pot shot at me and hope it covers up their lack of argument.
  18. Like Action Sack but you can chose what to play, very nice.
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