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Kiing 0f Coffe

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Everything posted by Kiing 0f Coffe

  1. I think playing as the Arbiter would fit after the events of The Thursday War.
  2. When it blooms you have spread. What i mean is, not every shot goes directly in the center when bloomed okay? Do you get what I'm saying now? P.S Have you seen the vid yet? Or are you too lazy to look it up or look at it?
  3. I don't know... maybe, I'm not that informed on the subject
  4. The DMR is fine, the BR and the Carbine arn't, they need a damage or fire rate buff, because the DMR kills faster.
  5. When did he move the aim? Tell me a time, I'm tired of people like you making excuses instead of accepting the truth.
  6. Ya definitely use sprint wisely. Another important thing to remember, headshots don't matter until their shields are down. One more thing, only use the BR or the Carbine if you're more comfortable using those weapons, the DMR has a higher kill time than both of the guns. Good luck and good games!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj1jyTcAtdQ Now do you think its balanced? Its funny how there are so many people who are out to get us when we have very good reasons to be complaining.
  8. Ever heard of spread? If somehow you can't see the vid, then you can search for it on youtube, just search DMR VS BR. Its not the aim-assist that makes it accurate, it is the lack of spread for the DMR.
  9. I was not reffering to you Oni. I was reffering to the comment saying we are all too bad to use the BR and the Carbine. FACT, the DMR kills faster than the BR this is a tested fact. You can find this fact on many test videos. Next, as I have said before, the DMR is more accurate, this is a fact. I made the COD reference to prove a point, there are guns that have more power than the UMP45, however, it has the fastest DPS in the game (excluding snipers and noobtubes). You're right about the +1 example, I didn't specify the combat variables well enough. Siubijeni, just because you do = with all of the weapons, doesn't mean there isn't an imbalance. You probably don't do = with all of the weapons anyway, it probably just haven't made a large enough difference for you to notice. Now, people reading this comment, I want you to STOP and check this out (I strugled to get a reliable kill time) As you can see, the DMR looks better. Now, instead of ignoring this comment, now tell me how I'm wrong after seeing the video. If I see someone say something that this video proves wrong, then I will post the link. After this I hope you are informed on what should be an obvious choice.
  10. ^^^ Sigh, its people like this who disregard weapon balance and are too hard headed to see that there are other people besides DMR users, who want a FAIR Battle instead of a STACKED battle, I agree to the fact that player skill makes a very huge difference, however, this does not mean that BR and Carbine users arn't crippled. Lets look at it this way, on a skill scale of 1-100, 2 players are at very similiar levels, 49 and 50 , lets say player A represents the 49, lets say player B represents the 50, Player A uses the DMR, an OP gun which earns him a +1 on the scale, Player B uses the BR so he earns +0. Now, both players are at an equal playing field. ( Notice that the skill floor is huge for all halos so +1 is a huge deal). People don't want to play with a cripple, so they use the default DMR. Now, to say that people are too bad to use the BR and/or the Carbine, so they cry for a change is correct for some people. Although, the majority ( I do think) wants the BR to have its own distinctive advantages so there can be the variety that 343 promised us. Now, back in my MW2 days, there was a weapon that made me want to slam my controller across the room. This was the UMP45. It was downright OP, but I got away with using other weapons, still, I was beaten and battered by the weapon. Why? Because I couldn't help it! The gun was stronger. If my shots all connected and his all connected I would lose every time. Same thing with the BR and the DMR! The type of comment you posted enrages me everytime I see one. When I see comments like this I see: arrogance, stuburness, immaturity, and the attempt to dodge the fact there is an imbalance! If something is imba shouldn't we change it? Hopefully the answer is yes. The comment quoted above me is a true sign of bias. The DMR is undeniably over powered. You can check the stats yourself. Its way too good. Whether you like or agree with it or want it or hate it or not, this must be changed.
  11. What? how is the DMR not "that bad" it has the fastest kill time for precision weapons, Excluding the light rifle zoom and the pistol, and the most acuracy, bullet magnetism, aim-assist, and usage. How can you possibly claim it is not "that bad." The DMR isn't hard to use at all, the Carbine is super hard and it doesn't have any compensation and you still claim it is "just fine". Again I ask you, how is that DMR "not that bad?"
  12. How the crap is the Light rifle easy to use?
  13. "Our Covenant had honor once, and it will again!" Thel Vadam. I support this post.
  14. This is a disgrace to the gaming community and will kill companies like gamefly and gamespot who rent games.This will only help Sony and will not help the gaming community grow. I will be deeply disappointed if this happens to all consoles, this needs to die FAST!
  15. Which level are you having trouble with hunters?
  16. I this is the Reclaimer trilogy, it needs to have more focus on the Forerunners and maybe precursors.
  17. I don't see how 343 can progress there story to the precursors without flood. So I gave a yes.
  18. I think they should at least bring back slayer pro.
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