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Klink Klink

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Everything posted by Klink Klink

  1. But where do you enter the code, though!? A website? XBL marketplace? Something in game?
  2. Yes, but what you did with that code is what I'm asking. Where did you enter it?
  3. I decided to buy this stuff off ebay. Now that I have it, how in Thor's name am I supposed to unlock this stuff!? Is it a website? Something in game? I'm finding no clear answer online.
  4. I am thoroughly upset. This post ( http://www.343industries.org/news/_/343-industries-news/halo-4-emblems-backgrounds-so-far-r128 ) clearly shows that my favorite emblem, "Thor", is in this game but I can't find a single source showing how to unlock it. Do you guys know how to get it? On a side note, why in the name of Ra is the sprocket background cut from the game!?
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