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Everything posted by Akalabeth

  1. Nope, doesn't exist. I checked many times. Previous games I think had it, this one does not. I think this is also another error, My achievement for one mission doesn't register When I first started playing the campaign, I would save and quit and then when I resumed campaign it would go right to my checkpoint. Then during mission 6, I got mad and turned off the console without saving. The next time I went to the campaign, it took me to the mission select screen and gave me the waypoint or whatnot for mission 4 (my previous save point). I started and I was back in mission 4, then I went to the menu and back into the campaign again and realized I could select different missions. Anyway, I finished mission 6, and then the game, but afterwards realized I didn't actually get a complete for mission 6, and no achievement, and no end of campaign achievements and the cutscene for non-legendary play (I played through on legendary solo). So now, presumably I need to replay mission 6. I played the last third/spire yesterday, didn't do it. So I played the first two thirds, and still didn't do it. So I'll finish the last third again and hopefully it'll register but I dunno what.
  2. This probably is not considered a bug, but: PLEASE apply Look Inversion to Flying. Why have Y-axis inversion (in the options menu) apply only to being on foot but not being in the air? It's very disorientating to play the game for 6-7 hours inverted, then jump in a banshee, pelican or whatever and discover everything's the opposite. In the latter half of the campaign (you know what sequence) I crashed literally dozens of times because the controls didn't respond as I thought they would. So please either patch the thing, so it applied to both, or add another option to the menu for "inverted flying" or at the absolute minimum fix this for the next game.
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