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Everything posted by Royal

  1. Royal


    Maybe there might be DLC after Christmas but I don't know for sure.
  2. Get a jetpack and DMR and target the king. It will be hard to do but it's possible.
  3. Wow, I suck at riddles. I would had never of gotten that haha.
  4. Hard to say, maybe like you said, 'BIG' big team battles.
  5. Looks amazing. I didn't get the last DLC but I might have to get this one.
  6. I've had the same problem, all my loadouts got deleted and reset. I just had to remake them.
  7. Looks like it would be very fun to play on. Good job.
  8. Yes the kill cam is buggy at the moment. At least you can see what you were killed by.
  9. Maybe you should find some people in matchmaking, there always others looking for teams/groups.
  10. I wouldn't mind seeing a second one.
  11. I think the BR in a little weak but besides that, the weapons are fine.
  12. I do agree that the DMR is better than the BR. Mainly because of the range.
  13. Royal


    I don't think it is OP. Yes it is hard to take down but it's not very fast and it's not a long range vehicle.
  14. The time could be increased. I guess it's a way of punishment towards your mistakes, but ism not entirely sure.
  15. Sexism... but not racism? Also I don't think the the people getting sexist comments towards them really care, It's xbox live.
  16. I don't know about this actually, I don't think an online Elder Scrolls would appeal to me. I'd half to check out some videos and gameplay first.
  17. Anime crossing, that game is so childish. ...I've probably put 50+ hours into it.
  18. I never been into the treyarch cods, but the zombies, I might get the game just for that.
  19. Royal

    Boosting *sigh*

    Boosters boost, who cares.
  20. Halo took some aspects of cod but it doesn't play or feel like cod. There are still shields, BR's and AR's. Your complaint of being slowed down while being shot is there to balance out the sprinting. If you could just run away from all the mistakes you have made, then it would be pointless.
  21. Join in session is a very debatable topic. There are pros and cons for join in session, you pointed out the cons but there are also pros.
  22. It is overplayed, but it's a very good map.
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