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Everything posted by Royal

  1. I would fix it by not making it a one shot at full sheilds, maybe the player has to be half sheilds or something for it to be lethul.
  2. Royal

    DMR OP?

    It's not OP, the BR is jsut underpowered.
  3. It should be higher, but it shouldn't dissapear.
  4. All ready working on rogue, one of the specializations that seem more practical. I am glad that they didn't make the specializations a total game chnger though.
  5. I'd love to keep progressing through the ranks ...If only I didn't hit that darn cap.
  6. I'd love to see a Pit remake or Narrows. No blood gulch please, it's very bland to me.
  7. I pick thruster pack and stay around walls so I can dip out quickly if i'm losing a gunfight.
  8. Royal

    SWAT Maps

    The maps have to be big to fit sprint. I will agree that complex is too big for a 4v4.
  9. Royal

    dmr vs br

    My love for the BR can't be overlooked by the power of the DMR. The DMR has accuracy and range.
  10. Numbers of players will always decline after launch. Yes black ops 2 is coming out, but alot of people getting that game didn't get halo 4 in the first place.
  11. I wouldn't say there is a lack of gametypes. In previous halos they had a simple Team Objective, now you can choose the game you want.
  12. I'd rather be put into a game as the losing team then play a whole match 4v1. I doubt join in progress will be in the true skill rank games.
  13. Doubles will come around jsut like SWAT
  14. I think a xp cap should exist but it shouldn't be so small. The xp cap in Reach was very hard to get to for a normal player. (usually only boosters got the cap) The cap in H4 is so small that and average player can reach it.
  15. I'm glad that warthogs arn't so strong any more.
  16. Royal

    Oddball Problem

    That is how you play oddball. If everyone played oddball like you think it should be played, there would be no point.
  17. I don't like FFA type of playlist in general,
  18. Good luck, And have fun while you're at it.
  19. I would have to say whatever your friends have. I woulnd't have bought an xbox if everyone had a PS3.
  20. Check if you have finished the introduction mission on legendary.
  21. It's eiter your xbox or the disk, I suggest you return it and try again.
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