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P Dawg Woolf

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Posts posted by P Dawg Woolf

  1. Also, the pictures of this map look bad. i didn't see them until I posted the forum. The actual map looks great, but the hard part about taking the pics was that the whole map is made up of hallways which have been destroyed by the flood. Because of this the inter map is scattered with rubble. Please, do not judge this map based off of these pics. Inorder to really see the map and how it plays you need to play a few rounds of it. I am not saying this so you will have to play my map, but I am saying it because it is true. Most of the play testers said that it was a very well forged map and because of this most of them helped play test this map for over two hours. I am sorry if it sounds like I am desperate for you to play this map, but please before saying this map is crap just play one or two games of it. I promise that you won't be disappointed.

  2. Gamer Tag- P Dawg Woolf


    Map- Station 1597


    Gametype- Linear infection ( Can be found in my fileshare)


    Background Info- You and a group of scientist where studying an "AI" when you hear a weird noise. Your commander informs you that some experiments from chamber 149 have escaped. You inform the UNSC of your current situation and they agree to send you weapons as soon as possible. You must now get to the extraction point inorder to be picked up. Your group grabs some weapons they have laying around and begin to get to the extraction point knowing that most of you will not make it there alive.


    Description- This is a linear style infection map that is heavily teamwork based. It is set on impact and offers many different forms of gamplay throughout the map. All of the ordinance drops on the map are random inorder to insure that execive play on this map does not get dull. In the over 400 rounds of play testing on this map, the humans have not been able to survive and make it to the end without a good cooperative team. ( If people join or leave while playing the game, the man cannons which launch you to the next area of the map may not spawn properly.)



    Guard the mantis as it goes through the map after the first man cannon. If you don't the flood will be able to easily destroy or hijack the mantis.

    Flood can use vehicles and pick up damage, health, and speed boosts dropped by the UNSC. Get them before the flood can.

    The mantis can't continue past the second man cannon so don't try.

    Near openings in the map which lead to space, I have put down gravity volumes which will suck you out into space if you jump.












    *If Pics are small I apologies. I took them on my iphone*


    P Dawg Woolf Here

    totally forgot to mention that this map should be played with 12-16 people (the more people the better chance you have of surviving)

    and flood armor abilities have been disabled for more balanced gameplay. (the options for armor abilities still show up for flood, but the loadouts are all the same. Can't find a way to take them off the loadout screen yet.)

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