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  1. Haha game is like Reach? Dont knwo what game youve been playing but its nothing like reach. At all. In the slightest. More like Cod if anything. You would make a very bad game reviewer. My personal guess is you got your butt handed to you on every encounter so your going to go back to cod where you dont have to rely on your own skill to get kills. Good riddance to you, dont ever come back.
  2. Cod has skill and tactics? Since when lol Cod has always been whoever seens someone first wins in 99.9 % of all times. Either that or sit hide and camp somewhere. Halo has ALWAYS been far far more superior in terms of actualy having to HAVE skill. If someone gets the drop on you in Halo the outcome was by no means always certain due to player skill, being able to evade, run round a corner and drop a grenade, jump backwards over their head and mell from behind etc etc. Cod is a just a game where you see someone you shoot and usually whoever shoots first wins. Cod may be a good game but lets not kid ourselves, as far as skills goes, it required none.
  3. It was a popular play list in Reach, was really dissapointed to see it hadent been included in Halo 4
  4. Halo 4 REALLY needs Multi Team. Cant believe they launched it without it.
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