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walrus munchies

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Everything posted by walrus munchies

  1. I know there have been many threads out there discussing Cortana's death, possible survival, and why she needs to be in Halo. I just thought there needed to be a thread dedicated to letting 343i know that the community they adopted wants Cortana. I just want to say that i think that 343i did a great job making Halo 4, but if Cortana doesn't return, it just won't be Halo anymore. I know some theorize that 343i has already planned out the whole trilogy and that she might already be planned to come back. In case they either have decided to not bring her back (which is unlikely i think) or haven't decided yet, i want to let them know that its fan base wants Cortana. We played with the Chief and Cortana for 11 years, it wouldn't feel like Halo without her. Besides, 343i made the chief make Cortana a promise... he promised her it would be okay. You don't make a girl a promise if you know you can't keep it. The Chief keeps his promises. 343i i really hope that you keep Cortana we all want her, the Halo franchise will be ruined if she is gone completely like this. Please post, and get this Topic to 343's attention. Any haters who want her dead, you can post a keep the ball rolling if u want Keep her Alive!
  2. Cortana still does her ghost-like messages to the chief in ever level (correct me if i'm wrong) in halo 3. I believe she will return. She is essential to the series and, for her to be saved at the end of Halo 3, and then for 343 to take over and permanently kill her would be complete mistake due to Halo's massive fan base. Not to mention the whole "you don't make a girl a promise if you know cam't keep it" bit. If they ended the series leaving that promise the chief made broken... well 343 you successfully the MC and Cortana that Bungie created. Halo 4 is a great game, and i'm happy with it as a sequel to the first Halo trilogy. It seemed like the game was made by group of very smart men and women, I can't imagine they'd screw up this one thing when everything else is so pristine.
  3. Dude, that is probably the best theory i have heard, and i have been looking over forums for ideas on how she lives for weeks. this pretty much sums up most of the good ideas and bridges them. Cortana died while being connected to a forerunner network, and there is no telling what could happen there. The chief with his "evolution", he was essentially transformed by forerunners, and his connection to the domain is genius. The chiefs evolution, the domain, his speech with the Didact, all stories which were left unfinished.
  4. I think years of pain and anguish wondering if she still exists, until halo 5 or even halo 6 comes out, will be purpose enough.
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