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Grunt (1/19)



  1. I've got the ultimate training tip for you - Just play the ******* game. Believe it or not that's how 99% of society gets good at things, by doing them repeatedly!
  2. All i've taken from this thread is. "WAAAAH IM TOO MUCH OF A TIGHTARSE TO BUY GOLD AND NOW IM GONNA COMPLAIN EVERYWHERE I CAN WAAAHSHDGdgh" If you think £3 a month is expensive, never start smoking, or have kids, or get a house, or a car..basically never do anything that involved spending money if you can't afford £3 a month. -.-
  3. Not trying to be rude, but if you work long hours all week, then spend your entire weekend hitting the xp cap on halo every day.. Is there anything else going off in your life? I Love halo as much as anyone who comes and posts on a forum about it. But jeez dude go out for a drink or a smoke or something..
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