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Winry Rockbell

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Everything posted by Winry Rockbell

  1. I just want you to know that if you left for good without saying goodbye to me, I will be highly disappointed and hurt! :cries:

    1. Twinreaper


      I am unsure if I am leaving. Sorry to upset you over it. When I make my choice you will be the first to know.



      Would you like to join the forgotten on halo reach?

  2. "You are as cool as a photoshopped picture of Barack Obama with a gun!"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Whatever! He controls the interwebs in Merica! He knows all! lol :)

    3. Twinreaper


      So...what happened now?

    4. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      What do you mean Twin? It's just a quote i saw that was funny! Lol

  3. Long weekend is turning this week into a really long week.

    1. Vaulting♥Frog


      :hugz: It is nearly half way done. I hope the second half will go faster for you and is far more enjoyable.
    2. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Lol.. it didnt... this week will never end! :)

  4. i hope that you had a great 4th as well and had a couple of drinks for me since i didn't get to have any.

    1. Twinreaper


      Oh i had more than a few...lol. Had a Summer Shandy for yah ;). Even got to go swimming! Awesome 4th!

  5. Yeah, i agree that halo 2 will be the main one i play because i want to experience all of the nostalgia that i can. I miss the days when people would connect Xboxes together and play in the same room. Back when it seemed like i didn't have any worries beyond beating my friends. I also miss the level system from 2 where you have something to lose if you don't play well.
  6. Lol... this may honestly be my favorite post ever. I read this whole thing thinking i was missing some injustice and i was going to finally be in the loop; however, i was completely wrong and i love it. Blue is a good color, but pink and purple are better!
  7. Sorry for my last status.... I sometimes let dumb things get to me. :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Awww... so sweet! Thank you!

    3. Vaulting♥Frog


      I would hug you for sticking around but the best I can do is hug my monitor. Is that good enough?

    4. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      LOL... yeah, that is good enough! :)

  8. I agree... Firefight was way more fun and kept things interesting! Hopefully they will keep it that way!
  9. Yeah, i agree with the guy at Gamestop... In ALL of these bundle editions, the game is a virtual copy of the game and not the physical disc, so if they kept to the pattern, you would just have the virtual copy and that would be a pretty big download seeing as it has 4 games and that new super complicated (according to 343i) interface. Like others have said though, there is no harm in waiting as there is nothing out there right now that is a must buy on XB1. Hopefully they will release a statement on this soon and everyone will know for sure.
  10. Oh my... having clans again are going to make me so happy!!!
  11. My real ranking in Halo 2 was between 38 and 42, but i never got higher than 42. I didn't play 3 that much, but i def will when MCC come out. I just wish i could recover my gamertag that had my old stats. Since i can't, I'm glad everyone has to start over with me... muhahaha
  12. Twinreaper took me down a weird magical rabbit hole full of crazy goth music... Made me miss HS/College

    1. Twinreaper


      Glad I could help. next time...fun torture time! ;)

    2. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Only if it is not the bad kind

    3. Twinreaper


      Describe the good kind ;)

  13. That sounds really cool for me... I lost my old gamertag that i played Halo 1-3 on, so im pretty happy about this! On Halo 2 i was anywhere b/w level 38-42 depending on the day, but that was on my old gamertag and i am happy everyone can start over with me! EDIT: EVERYONE LIKE MY POST! YAY!
  14. yeah, im glad you cleared that up because he really made it seem like you had to be in a matchmaking with all 4 games and just whatever map was selected, that is the version you would play... I did not like that idea!
  15. Pretty stoked about Master Chief Collection so I can go back to my Halo 2 days. Everyone needs to play with me when it comes out! :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zelda
    3. Delpen9


      Twinreaper wants to 'play' with you.

    4. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      LOL... well, i like the way i worded that sentence! I do know that there are creepz in here, but I am pretty good at ignoring them! Seriously though... you guys are awesome and need to play MCC when it comes out.

  16. I need there to be a Halo game for XBOX One right now! That or Dark Souls... PLEASE!!!

    1. Delpen9


      I have a dark soul. Is that good enough? There's like a purple aura that glows around it. Kind of cool actually...

    2. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      That sounds awesome! how did you accomplish that?!?!

  17. Do you want to build a snowman? Come on lets go and play!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. rrhuntington


      Do you wanna kill a planet?

    3. Vaulting♥Frog


      JX it is only over rated to you. That's your opinion, nothing more. Besides I think it is Disney's first movie to reach the level of Beauty and the Beast


    4. Delpen9


      Vaulting Frog you missed 1. Winry's the beauty and you are the beast. You two entertain me just like a movie.

  18. I am highly disappointed in what the trailer showed... I love TMNT when i was growing up and my brothers played with them all the time. They were cute and funny, but fun to watch. I really think he is going to make this movie unwatchable and that is very sad.
  19. I think possibility 2 was what they used in Halo 2 and i loved that game more than any other! I dont know exactly who you needed to clarify this with, but you did a good job of writing it out! LOL
  20. I'm back online... i think... yeah, im really here! :)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Hey Froggy and Silent... it doesnt appear to be any worse! :) Seems like about the same minus a few people :D

    3. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      At least I'm still here :D Good to see you back.

    4. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Yep! Im glad you are still here! It says a lot with how many dedicated people are on this site! :D

  21. I am really curious as to what it is that would make you leave. Anyway, hope you have fun in your future endeavors! You shall be missed...
  22. I am no drone! I am a real lady! :*(

    1. Zaguroth
    2. Spyro


      Eh, hard to believe people on the internet these days. :P

    3. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      lol... thats not very nice Spyro! And i love Pikachu!

  23. The answer to your question is: Purple

    1. ZB-85



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