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Winry Rockbell

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Everything posted by Winry Rockbell

  1. Welcome to the Forums; however, we are no mere mortals! We are Gods among men! lol!
  2. Yeah, but i figured it would be best if i wished for it too! Im kinda thinking i should delete it though because in lieu of recent events with Zelda, i really want her to feel special and have the only pink name!
  3. Zelda, that is so tragic.... I am truly sorry for all of the things you have had to deal with and things that no child should ever endure. While this is a very trying to for you and your family, this may be a warning sign that you, yourself, should get checked out as well to ensure that if there is any issue, you catch it early. Cancer is a very scary things and i can not even imagine what you are/have gone through, but if you ever need anything including just a shoulder to cry on or a ear to listen, i will be happy to do anything i can. While it is hard, try to keep your head up and as you know, the people on this site are always here for you! From one community mother to another, i really hope that everything works out and hope that you can spend as much time as possible with him while you can.
  4. 1) Is he a lighthouse keeper?? Not sure... 2) Towel 3) Sponge 4) PM'd answer
  5. Up, Down, Left, Right, A + Start

    1. Fishy


      What game code is this? ><>

    2. Leonard L. Church

      Leonard L. Church

      When did this happen? Did your cat type it?

    3. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      This is the original Level Select code from Sonic 1! :)

  6. A, B, A, C, A, B, B

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vaulting♥Frog


      Aww but does she really have to wait for her gift? I dont think so personally


    3. skummgummigubbe


      she cheated once with the code so why not :P

    4. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Awwww... i want to know what my gift is!!!

  7. I wish i could have a permanently Pink Name for the Shoutbox as i do not feel that green represents me anymore! I do not want to be MoM because i truly believe the @Zelda deserves it almost every month!
  8. I think there should a be certain time limit where if you havent posted a riddle on your turn, it is open for anyone to post!
  9. That is awesome! Do you think you could find a way to incorporate having the shoutbox in the mobile app? Just a small suggestion...
  10. To be fair, a lot of my guesses are probably not close... How about the artificial moon from Dragonball Z?
  11. Nope, no hint, but light is the only thing in a black hole (minus the random things that can be sucked in)
  12. You are the new mech armor thing that you can get in during war games on certain lvls... i dont remember the name! I think it is called a Mantis?
  13. Boooo... that is the answer because that is what i was going to say!
  14. lol... yes! Winry Rockbell - 1 (or two if you count the point I gave her for psychic help) Virus - 2 Humpstyles - 1 VaultingFrog - 5 Zaguroth - 1 SykoWolf - 3 Hᴜᴍᴘsᴛʏʟᴇ
  15. Not Halo Related: I have oceans without water, I have a sky without air, I have mountains without land. What am I?
  16. Dont say "nope" because i know that is the answer! If that isnt, then how about the earth at a distance??? Legendary ending of Halo CE
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