Thank you by the way, Remaking Valhalla <3 but BTIS on this map really needs to be tweaked, i tweaked it myself but you need to roll these changes out officialy, from what i have experienced the whole match is just a vehicle fest..and honestly that is not fun when you have ONE Splazer that spawns ONCE in the entire span of the match on a map that has ghosts,mantis,banshees and warthogs..that is kinda stupid..not gonna lie.
Three simple changes can balance this out, i have tried and tested these changes and it makes the game alot more fun
1. Let the splazer respawn
2. Removed either the mantis or the banshee, this map does not need both (i removed the mantis for nostalgia sake)
3. Give all vehicles (save the mongoose) a longer respawn timer
Three simple things and this gametype on this map would be sooo much more fun to play, too often have i got into a situation where the enemy team is all over the vehicles and we are getting spawn camped to all hell without a way to defend ourselves