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Everything posted by Crymzen

  1. Ragnarok Re-balance Just incase anyone is interested, i applied the changes listed above and more
  2. Ragnarok Re-balance So it won't help you for matchmaking..but atleast it's somthing nice to use if you want to play some customs with friends
  3. I have taken it upon myself to rebalance ragnarok, anyone with half a brain cell can tell that the map is off balance when playing BTIS. Changes: 1. Mantis removed (Vehicles are now halo 3 Valhalla) 2. Respawn times on ghosts and warthogs increased to 140s 3. Sniper rifle respawn reduced to 160s 4. Spartan Laser respawn time is now 160s instead of never 5. Random drops removed 6. Shotgun can now be found in each cave just like halo 3, Respawn time of 90s 7. Fusions coil added to each base (for nostalgia sake) 8. Turret near lake replaced with rockets on a respawn time of 180s, rockets near pelican have been removed. 9. Map brightness toned down using the "juicy" effect Spawns remain unchanged aswell as most of the weapon locations and all of the vehicle locations, Mongoose is still on the same respawn time of 45s and Banshee is still on the same respawn time of 180s, it's possible i may have missed a random drop so if you you see a drop weapon that is not suposed to be there just let me know. Drop weapons: Shotgun x2 Sniper Rifle x2 Spartan Laser Rocket Launcher Plasma Grenades You can find this on my file share Gamertag: CrymzenAssassin
  4. It's one of my favorite maps so far, the best thing about it is they got rid of all those horrible camping spots from H3, no more rocks you can slink down into and snipe without anyone being able to jill you, no more back ledges to hide on, no more shelf to hide on
  5. Yeah i don'tsee any of that happening, it doesn't need removing it just needs to be tweaked 1. Let the laser respawn 2. take out either the banshee or mantis, this map does not need both 3. increase respawn time on all vehicles apart from the mongoose ofcourse this is me going off of BTIS, but those three things are a must for balance, though i see no team killing and with the introduction of Promethean vision...i have seen a decrease in campers
  6. Custom games? get a bunch of friends and just run slayer pro or somthing in a custom..that's practice enough
  7. Crymzen


    hold on hold on hold on, i love swat..and i too think that the sole weapon in swat should be the BR but that statement right there i just completely untrue..what carried swat was Host and the Elite player models smaller hit box and neck glitch..show me definative proof that one player legitamately got to 50 in swat playing as a spartan and not pulling host or being boosted and i will retract my statement. Halo 3 swat..while still fun..often went like this Game start Turn a corner Shoot an elite watch his head bounce and purple blood spray 3 shots later you die from one shot respawn Turn the corner Catch an elite unawares Shoot only for the bullets to pass right through his neck He turns,spots you, you die Respawn Die Respawn Die Respawn Die..grats you just got spawn traped that is how Halo 3 Swat went alot of the time..i have both dished that out and been on the reciving end
  8. I like this game, i still think H3 is better MP wise but h4 is really fun to play..if there is one thing i want it's for them to throw in a H3 Classics playlist. No armor abilities, no classes, both basic and power weapons on map for pick up, H3 player/weapon settings. Give me that and i'm good. i'm happy with the game as is apart from how unbalanced BTIS on ragnarok is but a H3 Classics playlist would be awesome
  9. It all feels like second nature to me, i don't seem to be having any difficulty..sure i'm not getting a crazy amount of kills..i average 15 but i always seem to go + so that's fine by me, i hated Halo reach..stuck with it up to major and the game just ended up boring the crap out of me, thought this would be the same but it feels similar to H3 to me..maybe that's just because the BR is back though
  10. I only ever use the DMR for swat..using the BR in swat is suicide since everyone uses the DMR and in a 1 shot kill game the DMR takes it hands down..for everything else i use the BR and have beat people using the DMR, i feel more comfortable with the BR
  11. Team Snipers Multi-Team Objective Pro I would also like to see somthing like a H3 Classic playlist H3 Classic: No classes, H3 player settings, Br and magnum starting weapons, close quarters maps
  12. Thank you by the way, Remaking Valhalla <3 but BTIS on this map really needs to be tweaked, i tweaked it myself but you need to roll these changes out officialy, from what i have experienced the whole match is just a vehicle fest..and honestly that is not fun when you have ONE Splazer that spawns ONCE in the entire span of the match on a map that has ghosts,mantis,banshees and warthogs..that is kinda stupid..not gonna lie. Three simple changes can balance this out, i have tried and tested these changes and it makes the game alot more fun 1. Let the splazer respawn 2. Removed either the mantis or the banshee, this map does not need both (i removed the mantis for nostalgia sake) 3. Give all vehicles (save the mongoose) a longer respawn timer Three simple things and this gametype on this map would be sooo much more fun to play, too often have i got into a situation where the enemy team is all over the vehicles and we are getting spawn camped to all hell without a way to defend ourselves
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