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Evan Wentz

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Everything posted by Evan Wentz

  1. The only game with any issues at all is Halo 4 and those started Sunday. And it can't possibly be the disc because these issues weren't present until a few days after the games release.
  2. Its because everyone is having connection issues like myself... Well, thats my reason for not playing at least. I'd love to be able to play...
  3. So I've really been enjoying Halo 4, especially matchmaking. Ever since the Sunday update, however, I've noticed ALOT of issues. In other words, I can't play in matchmaking period... Rather aggravating... I've seen a few people with issues but nothing like mine. The odd part is these issues continue to cycle, and when I do get in a match, its extremely laggy. Usually what happens first is I will get into a match (After it taking an unusually long time to find other players) and after voting, and the subsequent loading screen, it will kick me out of the match and make me vote again like I had just joined. The odd part is, I'm the only person in the game... Following this I've gotten a black screen a few times during the loading in which it will say I'm disconnected from Xbox Live. I can reconnect right after, so its very odd. My laptop right next to me won't get kicked off, just my Xbox. The one match I did manage to get into today saw some extremely bad rubber banding and latency, basically making both games a chore (SWAT and Big Team Slayer). Now, before anyone says anything, I am experienced in Networking, and I have reset my router and my Xbox numerous times with no effect. This issue has only started Sunday after the matchmaking update, so I'm guessing that is to blame (I hope so, anyway). *RECENT* Got into a Dominion game pretty fast and the lag was horrible... Lets just say I was watching people rubber band all over, including myself, and shields were going off and on, etc. We're talking 20 seconds for a grenade I threw to explode... WTF?! Technical Info-v Xbox Model- Arcade Internet Type- Road Runner HS: 10 Mbps/1 Mbps Router- Netgear N600 Dual Band WNDR3400v2 Connection Type- Wireless via Microsoft Xbox 360 Dual Band wireless network adapter.
  4. So I've really been enjoying Halo 4, especially matchmaking. Ever since the Sunday update, however, I've noticed ALOT of issues. In other words, I can't play in matchmaking period... Rather aggravating... I've seen a few people with issues but nothing like mine. The odd part is these issues continue to cycle, and when I do get in a match, its extremely laggy. Usually what happens first is I will get into a match (After it taking an unusually long time to find other players) and after voting, and the subsequent loading screen, it will kick me out of the match and make me vote again like I had just joined. The odd part is, I'm the only person in the game... Following this I've gotten a black screen a few times during the loading in which it will say I'm disconnected from Xbox Live. I can reconnect right after, so its very odd. My laptop right next to me won't get kicked off, just my Xbox. The one match I did manage to get into today saw some extremely bad rubber banding and latency, basically making both games a chore (SWAT and Big Team Slayer). Now, before anyone says anything, I am experienced in Networking, and I have reset my router and my Xbox numerous times with no effect. This issue has only started Sunday after the matchmaking update, so I'm guessing that is to blame (I hope so, anyway). Technical Info-v Xbox Model- Arcade Internet Type- Road Runner HS: 10 Mbps/1 Mbps Router- Netgear N600 Dual Band WNDR3400v2 Connection Type- Wireless via Microsoft Xbox 360 Dual Band wireless network adapter.
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