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FHG DivineFroh

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Everything posted by FHG DivineFroh

  1. @Lord Chun you don't have to attend the meetings because we will be sending messages suming them up but right after meetings we go straight into games and the meetings take really only 5 mins 7 at the most so its really up to you weather or not you come to them there will NOT be any penalty. you don't have to attend the meetings because we will be sending messages suming them up but right after meetings we go straight into games and the meetings take really only 5 mins 7 at the most so its really up to you weather or not you come to them there will NOT be any penalty.
  2. I'm leader of FHG and we are a new raising gaming community We currently go from ages 13+ but once we get enough members we are going to split them so 17+ in one division and 13-16 in the other Our ranking structure is military Easy to move up in the ranking system but there will be "test" We also hold tornaments and you can win prizes Check out our website http://halogameing.webs.org or message me on Xbox for more information GT: FHG DivineFroh
  3. Hello Halo gamers my name in Jon people call me Froh my gamer tag is FHG DivineFroh and i have a new Halo gaming community. i was in a community sometime ago and it was really fun we had squad battles and tornaments for microsoft points and i made a bunch of new friends but there was one problem. the leader, he was a complete tool and started black listing people for the smallest reasons so i left and so did a group of friends who i made while in that community. So i thought "Hey why don't you make your own community but have more then one leader so there can be discussions and votes." so my friend Chris and I created Forever Halo Gamers (FHG). We have our own website, SquadTag, and right now FHG is open for Halo 4 and Reach for the people who don't have Halo 4 yet. FHG is open to anyone age 13+ also you dont have to be the best to join you could be a n00b and we will help you get better at the game. We will be holding tornaments with PRIZES so keep your eyes out for that. if your interested in joining FHG you can reply here send me a message at my gamer tag FHG DivineFroh and you can even register at the website which if you do register at the website and join FHG you will be promoted straight to PVT if you change your name to FHG________. you will be promoted to SGT. Here is our website: halogameing.webs.com I look forward to seeing plenty of new recruits and privates.
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