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  1. First off this has nothing to do with Showstopper. Trust me I love nothing more than jumping in and saving a teammate. This rant is about people stealing your kill while your in the middle of an assassination animation. Let me paint this picture for you. A teammate is getting hammered, you jump into the mix saving your teammates life with an assassination. He waits, watches and just at the right moment shoots the enemy and steals your kill. Now I look at my kill death ratio, but its not the fact that I didn't get that extra kill to pad my stats that bugs me here. What bugs me is the fact that my teammate just purposefully screwed me, took my assassination away from me after I saved his life. Also in another scenario, I teammate sees you from afar performing an assassination and shoots and takes the kill. I'm sure you've got the picture. 343 can you please stop this bull. If a player is in the middle of an assassination let it finish the animation and let the kill go to the assassin unless of course the opposing team interferes. I pride myself in this game on using wetwork and stealth to assassinate players and it drives me nuts when people take that away from me. Thanks in advance for your feedback. Side note: great campaign; can't wait for the next installment. Cheers!
  2. I have had this happen to me non stop. Almost every match is horrible. It really takes the fun out of the gameplay. I really hope they find a solution for this. Its been super laggy for me in spartan ops and campaign even when I link up with just one friend. Both of our connections are fine. I really expected alot more from these guys. So far its been really disappointing.
  3. I totally agree with you. I'm not sure why 343 has taken Halo in the direction of Call of Duty. Scrap the load outs, instant respawns, and the kill cams. Everytime I watch the killcam I get choked because it looks as though the guy is hitting everything but me. I'm sure this isn't really the case......right?
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