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Vehicle Destroyer

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Posts posted by Vehicle Destroyer

  1. So as the title suggests, in Halo: Reach Forge, I am having issues with Forge pieces shifting after a clean save. Upon save I go back into Forge mode to double-check placement of all of the pieces and they are fine. When I go to Custom game, pieces shift on their axis'. Now I have seen this in different variations such as a piece shifting up or down or even to the side. Though the shift is barely visible, I notice.


    *Side note - when Forging I always use the 90 degree snap lock feature to lock the pieces in place unless it's not possible to for rock or weapon placement or other aesthetic features.


    I guess this is more of a minor frustrating issue that I have encountered but an issue none-the-less. If anyone has any advice, I welcome it.


    - Choot :thumbsup:

    This happens in Halo 4 as well as reach.. Although the yaw and roll shift on me... people laugh at me for being so OCD about it. But I forge MLG maps, and can not have any bumps of any sort. I feel the pain, it needs to be fixed, it shouldn't be that hard. Then again I don't know much about game creation, im a mechanic xD

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  2. Hmm, sounds like the map maker back in Far Cry 2. great game btw.. Maybe send this to the feedback section on halo.xbox.com :smoke: good luck with your idea I think it sound great!

    if they did this, I would die. So many insanely scary games were made :D

  3. As far as I know, there is no way other than make it free for all and somehow manage to make it spawn properly? maybe do one initial spawn (up top in middle where sniper is) and then where mongosai (Mongoose plural lolol) just normal respawns? and for fat kid, just use the regular zombie, make him invincible, and when he comes to an obstacle (make sure yyou use a stopwatch to time this) give him a bridge right as he arrives! So make jumping obstacles for humans, since as some know, we don't have enough forge objects to place and make it difficult and long :/ but duck hunt same as the Halo one, intial spawn and spawn points

  4. I don't know if this is the right place to post,but is there anyway to change the Mantis aesthetically to make them look differant from each other,but i know you can change the certain one for a team color however it does change the look.Is there anything i could do for that?

    No way to change it in any way :P

  5. I just want to make a list of topics that i find bothersome:


    1. Why not remake the reach forge world. The new maps are great but just dont feel the same.


    2. Why did 343 take the falcon and the hornet out of forge. I personaly loved the human flying vehicles.


    3. Why are there count down zones on the forge maps. Isnt a barrier enough?


    4. The roof on all the maps are really low. Ive died countless tiimes trying to fly a Banshee.


    5. Halo reach fine editing was the best tool. I know there are magnets now but they dont always work the way you want the to. Alot of the times you need to get it exact but the object just wont stop moving to fast.


    6. If the pelican is in the campagin why cant we use it in forge. Give us atleast one other flying vehicle.


    7. Where is safe haven? Not many people played it but i used it for alot of my level based maps i made.


    8. Race way was a big part of halo reach, why not include it in halo 4?


    9. Indestructable vehicle settings are gone too. Why?


    10. Why cant we go in water? We're super soldires right? Not cats....


    11. One more thing. Its small but i used it alot. Forced color is gone. Visual effect is cool but i would like to beable to set everyone to a specific color, or even no color, just their own armor settings but still beable to be in teams.


    I know these are just me complaining but im possitive im not the only one who is bothered by them. Please post your own comment on these topics, or any REASONABLE problems you have with forge. I hope 343 takes notice to these things and considers changing them.

    9 is false, I made it invincible last night :P

  6. I reached level 70 and haven't not received my access code for the other specializations. I heard if you played halo 4 online by Nov. 20th you would get a e-mail with a code for the other ones. Whether or not this is true i have no clue but was wondering if there is going to be e-mails sent out soon because it's less exciting when there is nothing to work towards and you get no more XP.

    code will be received by December 30th
  7. Seeing Master Chief's eyes didn't really bother me at all. I had an image in my head of what I thought he'd look like, and seeing his eyes didn't really change it. Now for the fact that you had to beat the entire campaign on legendary to see just his eyes is a little dissapointing. Personally, the way I see it, you beat the game on legendary for some achievements, and see Master Chief's eyes as a little side bonus. Not saying I like that, but its better than having no legendary ending like Reach.

    I would have liked a little more than just a quarter second of extra video for doing it solo... which is the only way to see this ._. Maybe add more in some other part? not right at the end, but all over, or right before his armor is taken off. I don't know, solo Legendary seemed almost not worth it just for the quarter second of film I can look up on google images and still get the same effect.

  8. The first time I nailed the Ascension superbounce to the top of the sniper tower in Halo 2. It's strange to me that my most fond memory of any Halo game was a serious game design flaw on Bungies part... lol.

    That was a huge memory for me in halo 2, that's my down time!!!

    Me: " Look the only possible way of kiling the other team is by working together"

    Friend 1: "Well maybe if you stop being so bossy we might win"

    Friend 2: "Okay princesses did you realize the game ended while you guys were arguing"

    Me: " Wait.......... WHAT!"

    Me: " New game plan stop arguing"

    you still do that lolol

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