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Vehicle Destroyer

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Posts posted by Vehicle Destroyer

  1. I think it is stupid to definitively state how it "should have ended" considering that is personal opinion. Games are not tailored to the individual. Enjoy the ending you already have.

    I was more or less catering to people who may have thought of a different ending? I loved the ending personally, ive noticed some did not, so I wanted to see how they thought it should have ended.

  2. When did seeing his face become a bad thing and don't speak for me. I don't care if they show it or not, either way helmet or face it is nothing more than a superficial aspect of the character. Neither his face nor his helmet define who he is. Just like your face does not define who you are. You might as well complain about seeing his hand or his feet which have never been show either. It's the characters actions and motivation, his choices and mistakes that will define him, not a friggin helmet.

    It was a promise Bungie made to not show face...

  3. Look out Guys SPOILERS AHEAD


    As you know to see this "Special" Legendary ending, the game must be beaten on the SOLO Legendary difficulty. All you get to see is the eyes, which for some is controversial since you should never see his face. But how should it have really ended? His armor is removed, and the game ends? To me this insinuates Halo 5 and Halo 6 are not to be made, even though they have been confirmed. So lets get the ball rolling, how should it have ended? I don't think Halo 4 should have ended in such a way with Chief taking off the armor!!! Get creative, but keep it true to the Chief, keep it true to the story... But most of all, make it better than the 343i ending!

  4. I too have a problem with the legendary ending. And it's not Chief's face.

    It's the Legendary ending.

    Halo 1: Johnson hugs an elite, something that makes me laugh even now.

    Halo 2: No Legendary ending, but who needs it? We already have a cliffhanger.

    Halo 3: The first appearence of the Forerunner planet. This is the best game ending i've ever seen.

    (skip ODST wich is only a glimpse of Thruth and the Engineers under NM)

    Halo 4: Chief's eyes.


    I mean, what the hell. Should i be surprised? Astounded? Who cares so much about MC face, to put it as the Legendary ending?

    Disappointing, 343i. I expect better from you.

    this can not be challenged, i think you killed the thread, unless everyone decides to say how it could have ended..

  5. The specializations come out if you have played by November 20th, you will receive an email through the email connected to your xbox live gamertag. It will be received by December 1st. If you have not played by Nov. 20th, you will have to play with Operator or Wetwork, after completing those, the game will advance for you, with no control over the specializations after.

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