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Everything posted by mueller68

  1. it won't let me play swat, dominion, flood, or spartan ops. it won't let me join my friend or vice versa at the end of every game its says i was kick out and I only end up with half the experience I would normaly get
  2. My nat type is open and yet I can not get on to some of the Infinity playlist like the new swat, dominion, and flood. It is also preventing me from doing spartan ops or joining my friends' games. What's going on. It's not just me some other people are having the same problem. Every time we get on it gives us the error message that says the halo 4 servers are having trouble but then my friends are having no issues. I was able to do everything this morning but after noon is when everything seemed to go wrong. So I'll ask again whats going on?
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