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Randall Park

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Everything posted by Randall Park

  1. Its all true, i just hate how the maps feel really empty (no drops) i miss the feeling of NEEDING to leave base because you HAVE to get a power weapon to be ontop not sit back pop a couple heads then have it hand delivered. it`s like 343 Catering to noobs and campers or just plain lazy people.
  2. I am biased on small maps because im very CQC(not with the sword, with the AR) BIG MAPS! What ever happend to Death Island, that would be such an Eye-Popper to see in HD. Infinity Gephyrophobia Waterworks( i mean.... we got WetWorks:) Stalactites on the Ceiling HELL YA! Medium Maps: Rat Race Danger Canyon Burial Mounds(Forgotten Map) Terminal (OMG PLZZZZZ!!!!) small maps: I`d love to see Chiron again (Very interesting CTF or King) Warlock(Halo2)Foundation(kinda the same) but make it to where you can get on the top middle structure(like if you super bounced) Turf(Halo2) Favorite H2 map Ivory Tower Favorite Map Ever Elongation (Twin Hallways ALL DAY) but maybe something to protect the spawns Backwash (Could be made VERY CREEPY)
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