I run a clan called F4F. We are a military based clan. If you would like more info please contact Gods DevilDog on Xbox live. Thanks
Signed by
IAMD DevilDog leader of F4F
I Run a Military based clan we are Friendly and respectful. If you would like more info please contact me at Gods DevilDog on xbox live. Thanks and have a great day.
Signed by
IAMD DevilDog leader of F4F.
We are still looking for people to join F4F. . For more info please contact me at Gods DevilDog on Xbox live. Thanks.
Signed By
IAMD DevilDog leader of F4F
I'm running a military clan and we need RCTs, if you would like more info please contact me at GOds DevilDog on xbox live.
Signed by
IAMD DevilDog leader of F4F
F4F is looking for RCTs we are a military based clan. We are in need of people. Good players lvl need to start 30, need a mic, age 16+. If you want please message me back if you want to join. thanks
Signed by
IAMD Gods DevilDog leader of F4F
I see you are looking for a military clan. I am the leader for F4F and we are looking for RCTs. So if you want in right me back. Thanks
Signed By
IAMD Gods DevilDog
Hello everyone my name is Gods DevilDog ( GT ) and I'm looking for people to join my clan called F4F. We are a military based clan, we use the ranks from the Air Force. When you join the clan you will need to put your RCT armor back till you are done with the 1st part of Basic. We treat EVERYONE with respect.
For more info Please contact me at Gods DevilDog.
Signed by
IAMD DevilDog