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TUL Confederate

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Everything posted by TUL Confederate

  1. Hello I'm the Recruiter for TSL and i see you are looking for a clan to join. Good thing for you is TSL is always looking for new Recruits to join the ranks of TSL. So if you would like to join the ranks please contact me at Gods DevilDog on Xbox live. Signed by Sgt DevilDog Recruiter of TSL.
  2. Fishy thanks for all the **** you give me. lol
  3. It's no big deal, just my job.
  4. Hello everyone i'v been on the forums for a long time now, and i might be leaving soon with my Air Force Wing. So i might be gone for a long time. "like" this post to wish me luck.
  5. Hello welcome to the 343i Forums.
  6. Right people are STUPID
  7. Hello I'm the Recruiter for TSL and i see you are looking for a clan to join. Good thing for you is TSL is always looking for new Recruits to join the ranks of TSL. So if you would like to join the ranks please contact me at Gods DevilDog on Xbox live. Signed by Sgt DevilDog Recruiter of TSL.
  8. Well try taking it back and get a new one. Or just reseting your internet.
  9. I made a light show, watch it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyqZr0n5q5g&feature=plcp
  10. Do you get put on a back up server?
  11. Ok guys i was not trying to troll i was just saying.
  12. All you need to do is beat it on the hardest lvl.
  13. TSL is always looking for people to join the ranks, so if you want more info please contact Gods DevilDog. Signed by Sgt DevilDog
  14. People talk about black ops in here ALOT. It sucks
  15. Welcome to the 343i Forums have fun but make sure you know the rules.
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