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Everything posted by BlackToothSaber

  1. Don't agree about Dominion. I joined it not having any clue what it was and by the end of my first game had several base captures, built turrets, defended bases, etc. Its not really that confusing. Take bases and defend bases. Simple concept that has been around a long time in FPS games.
  2. Referring to the original post made- I was interested until you used this thread to broadcast how cool you are. You win games 51 to -1? You've made thousands of players quit Halo? Seriously dude don't include that kind of bullcrap information in a thread about making halo 4 better. If its a thread about measuring the size of your junk and saying its bigger and better, go for it. But thats not what we're here for, now is it?
  3. As much as I'd LIKE to agree about the Mantis, I can't. Its only OP on situational basis. Every time I've gotten in the Mantis, and I do mean every time, I get ONE kill with it, before the thing is obliterated. Everybody totes Plasma Pistols and nades the hell out of it. Its essentially unusable. I got way more kills splattering people with the Mongoose and the Warthog than I did running around with the Mantis. Also, you did list that you killed vehicles. Its got a fast firing rocket launcher and a heavy machine gun that tears vehicles apart. Of course it killed the vehicles. However facing off against a sizable group of players who work together even a little bit, that thing is good as dead.
  4. I think leaderboards need to be added more than anything else. I want to know my K/D rate. I want to know how many of each medal I got. I want to see what my kills with certain weapons are. Things like that.
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