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    Seattle, WA

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Servers work now, yay!

    1. Azaxx


      They never went down or anything..?

    2. CowsInTheMist


      Well for me they wouldn't work lol. Had an issue where I couldn't join parties, play certain game modes, or even get experience.

  2. If they know they have a problem, which they should know by now, they should post something saying they realize it. That they're working on it. Leaving us in the dark is leaving a bad impression of them for me. This has been going on for me roughly 11 hours, for others as much as 48.
  3. Servers not working for me...Working fine for friends...Annoyed!

  4. Getting the same thing...2 friends I always play with less than 3 miles from me are playing together fine. But not me. Can't join their party or play certain game modes. Very lame. Was fine when I got off at 2am this morning, but when I woke up and got on at noon this started happening. Every time I ask if anyone knows anything I just get "Lots of people are having the same issue" It's incredibly frustrating that this is a wide-spread problem and 343 isn't making an announcement about it. Even a: "We don't know what the hell is going on but we're working on it!" would be better than being silent.
  5. All day I've seen "Halo 4 Servers not available at this time". Been 8 hours already and if I play I get little to no xp, can't join matchmaking parties, can only play 6 or so game modes and it tells me only 500 people are online. Anyone else know what's happening or any idea when this will be fixed? I've seen a few other people with the same issue but my friends across town have no issues. Very frustrating... Thanks.
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