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Posts posted by TyphoidExcel

  1. I did play Halo 3. I am aware of how its ranking system worked and agree with you on it being superior to this progression system. Id much rather get a rank based on how well I play rather than how much I play. What I am getting at is, why do you care so much? Since rank in this game means nothing, why are you so hung up on getting all the XP you can and ranking up so high?


    I am going to go out on a limb and assume you are actually talking about Halo 4s progression system ranking rather than an xp cap, yes? Your last comment sounded like you want a 1-50 put back into play (I do too) but the thread title and your first post make it sound like you are unhappy with an arbitrary cap on xp that you claim in in effect. You bash the progression system for being inferior to the 1-50 yet are mad that you cant run through said prog. system faster.... I dont quite understand what it is you want.


    Personally, I don't really care what the little number beside of my name says. If I'm better than another player (assuming the lag gods don't intervene) I'm going to beat them. What bothers me is that because of this cap, it is taking me exponentially longer to get all of the armors that I desire, not to mention the specializations that I can't get close to due to the fact that after 3 hours of play, I've hit the limit.

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