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Everything posted by Balloonloons
Lol the worst comparison ever. This game was already made before they had their hands on it! The gameplay formula was already there. They basically just needed to improve the graphics and add more maps! This game is hardly an example of improved technology or improved anything for that matter. It's like taking the technology of a 3d TV set that was handed to you and you decide to make it black and white just because and then try to pass it off as new technology. That is a better comparison. There is no possible way you can enjoy matchmaking in this game after playing 10 years of halo. It's not just different it is unbalanced and inconsistent. Balancing in this game would be considered awful even if it was a different game and not halo. Balancing is a complete fail here. Unless you like just sitting in one spot cloaked for every game for 5 hours straight. That's about the only thing you can do successfully in this game. It's boring as hell! If you try to make it exciting by running out of cover you get your head blasted off by 6 campers. How is that fun in any game?? That's like saying I love this car except the engine sucks but I love it anyway lol. We complain because we want a better experience than what was given to us. We want halo back! We don't want to hate 343. Not the point of complaining. We want to love them because they have us halo not because they painted some lipstick on this pig and tried to pass it off as halo. Give me a break. The reason we are even complaining is that we do feel so passionate about this game that has probably been the only game in our xboxes for 10 years. I've played maybe 5 other games on occasion but always went back to halo either that night or the next day because that is where it was at. I had playlists full of friends because socializing was encouraged. Now halo 4 has resulted in not just me dropping halo but literally everyone from my friends list. How is this acceptable?
I've been saying this since week one and looks like they have no plans of changing it. Sad.
Well said. The feeling of omg I need to get home and play halo is GONE replaced by should I even turn my Xbox on? It's like paper Mario instead of Mario. Yea it's Mario but eh it's just "ok". Certainly would not be swelling Nintendo wii u with paper Mario and not Mario! Halo 4 is official renamed to paper halo! Lol so basically you're hoping the company that botched the game can somehow turn it around and make it the halo they should have made. In other words they didn't have enough time to do it all yet. Lol. I hear this excuse a lot for them yet a month later I see nothing on the horizon to improve the experience. Oh wait. More map packs coming lol. Sincerely hope no one buys there to really send a message. I know I won't!
Starting to get the feeling the people defending 343 are actually 343 employees undercover lol. Lets be serious here. You can not defend a company that totally botched a game from every angle. We all know where it fails and why it fails. The community is already showing the failure because users of this game are falling about as fast as users of the iOS game draw something. That says fail not success.
So true!
Why doesn't the radar have elevation indications?
Balloonloons replied to EvoSigma's topic in Halo 4
Because this game = fail -
Appalling attitude? Get real man this company spent millions of dollars, had a full team dedicated to making ONE game, and failed from most measures including the ability to actually keep people playing it. Oh and did i mention the game was already built FOR them? What is appalling is the direction they took a successful franchise in. How can you possibly butcher something handed to you on a plate of gold? Excuse me but I make no excuses for a company who failed to even properly beta test a game before selling it to people for 60$. Bungie never had to make changes because the game was good! Reach? Seriously why do people whine about reach then say they love 4. 4 only takes the bad aspects of reach and amplifies them by 1000%. Otherwise reach was exactly a halo game. Strip away armor abilities and give a higher jump and it became halo 2 or 3! Remember classic playlist?? So before going and calling attitude appalling, first, grow up a little bit, then call me when you actually have something to add to the conversation other than a direct personal attack. You're ridiculous. Lol if you could only find more grenades lol. You have to die first to spawn with more grenades in this game. Another brilliant decision to make picking grenades up from a body a perk instead of something natural. Exactly! This being the main issue for me with the game. The weapon drops and load outs where you can spawn with super weapons instead of havin to fight for them on a map is what makes this game fail the most. It's a horrible decision and is not what halo ever was and not what it should be otherwise we can all go play cod.
If you love to camp then halo 4 is for you period. Why do you think cod people like it? Campers! Halo was never a camping game which is why I played it an not cod. It wasn't annoying and boring.
I don't feel bad for saying that! This game is a complete joke to the halo franchise. I want the halo we all loved back! Until then I consider it problem not solved. The problems in gameplay have not been addressed one ounce. The noob weapon dmr is still the only gun worth using. The weapons are still not on the map. Gameplay is still unbalanced. You still start in the middle of a game on a losing team. There is still 0 matching of skill sets so you still go into games with people far beyond your skill. It is no longer possible to pick halo up an play it once or twice a week because now you're behind in unlockables. The arcade feel of halo is gone replaced by the annoying cod feel. I can go on and on but the point is this is not halo!
Instead of addressing one million problems and complaints they release more maps to make money. Hope you're not foolish enough to buy them to give this rip off company more money they don't deserve. How about you address some issues from the halo community with the wannabe halo game you put out first!?
I've written extensive posts about what this game is lacking and where it falls horribly short. Feel free to search them out. If you disagree it's fine but at this point the people who agree are outnumbering those who don't. And those who don't just like the game as just another game. Not halo. Because this is not halo. It's something else dressed up as halo. And it is such a disappointment. All my friend on Xbox live have dropped it. Literally all. Took 2 weeks then they started Falling off one by one. One month later no one has touched the game in 2 weeks one time. I'd say that says it all. And I'm sure most of you have seen this trend too. And keep in mind these were all people I have played with since halo 3! Huge halo fans!
Thing is no one likes this game! Lol. Day 1 all of my friends on live were playing 4. Day 3 50%. Now? 0! I would say that says something about this game and how it was botched. The people who do like it either play in teams which generally just camp maps and go for kills. Don't tell me otherwise because you'd be lying lol. Objective has turned to slayer and slayer has turned to a camp fest that bores me to tears or annoys me till I want to slit my own wrists lol. It's nice of you to invite me to play but I doubt I'll be picking this up again any time soon. I'm sticking to reach myself. Ps I don't mind people talking **** to me because I'll talk right bAck regardless of winning or not lol. I do mind that no one talks at All! There's no point of talking to the other team since half or more of it Are probably people who dropped in somewhere in the middle or end of it anyway. It's so stupid. There is no personality to this game at All!
Lol that's an understatement haha
Glad you like it. I really want to like it. But it's not halo. I have other games. I want halo!
Yesterday with 2 other friends. Couldn't stop playing. Every game we played was fun. Everyone was talking. Some talking **** some laughing some whining etc.... But everyone was TALKING! The games were all fun! Even the ones where we lost! Last time I played halo 4 for 5 hrs straight was ummm never. I can't keep it on for longer than 30 mins without feeling the need to throw the remote through my tv or to punch massive amounts of babies. Most frustrating, unbalanced, annoying game I ever owned. 0 strategy involved in matchmaking, 0 personal feel since people just come and go out of games hence no desire to ever talk to anyone, and much more. 343 should drag this project file to the old trash bin and hit delete. Start from scratch. That said. Hey 343 can we get some new halo reach maps?? Halo 4 is garbage so can we at least get some dlc for a good game? I'm mad that I gave you 60$ for this game but I'm more angry that you took a game I love and turned it to pure garbage with a pretty cover. K thanks.
Everyone make a pact that we will not spend a single cent on 343s map packs until each and every single issue with this game has been addressed. We are all mad as hell that they took away the halo we all loved and tried to give us a pig with lipstick on it instead. Fix this game and give us halo back!
I will never understand someone who makes the argument by saying halo reach was an atrocity. It makes no sense. What was so bad about halo reach???? Compared to 4 reach is 100x better in so many ways and is by far more fun and exciting. Please specify how 4 does it better than reach if that is your view. I see many people going back to reach after playing 1 week of 4. I talk to people who are on reach now and ask why they aren't playing 4 and there is consensus. Reach is dominantly a better game from every aspect including balance, simple UI, and social interaction. 4 does none of that which are all things that constitute a great game. Please help me understand this logic because it makes the rest of the post sound like nonsense.
Am I the only one here who's excited about the new matchmaking?
Balloonloons replied to LiQuid BioniX's topic in Halo 4
I love the irony of complaining about reach but complimenting 4 when 4 only takes the bad aspects that people hated about reach and multiplies them tenfold. Why was reach better? Lets start with the obvious. Weapons on the map. A simple and friendly UI / menus. Game variety. Perfect weapon balance. Teamwork encouraged. Map control essential and plausible. I can go on and on. The only difference in reach and the rest was the introduction of perks and a low jump and life damage from high places. Otherwise it was the same game! Halo 4 took perks and made them the focus. So if that was your complain on reach then now it is a deal breaker. I also love when people say stuff oh it's a new game give it time. Obviously again people who know nothing about development. 343 had resources in money and man power that very few companies have to make ONLY halo! With those resources this game should have been tested again and again prior to release with beta testers. Instead they failed miserably in this department hence the awful multiplayer experience. They should have Been able to deliver a product with near perfection. Instead they are a million miles away from perfection. I for one would have been able to deliver a product that was both innovative and that paid respects to nostalgia. Nostalgia is something that is 100 essential in the survival of a game that has a hardcore fan base. Again this argument comes from people who seem to know nothing about the gaming industry and how it works. -
Am I the only one here who's excited about the new matchmaking?
Balloonloons replied to LiQuid BioniX's topic in Halo 4
The people who like the new direction should be in government protection because they are quickly becoming extinct. The more I play this game the more I hear people in games complaining and hating. I don't hear good stuff from anyone really. I'd say the ratio seems to be 5:1. The more I play this game the more sad I am to say goodbye to an era that has been truly great with halo. It's funny to hear people say reach sucked and in the same sentence say 4 is good lol. That doesn't even make sense and it explains a lot about why you even like 4. 4 took everything bad you felt about reach and amplified it by 10000. Oh yea but you can at least jump higher again lol. So yup now it's more like halo. Because of the jump. Lol. Your logic escapes me honestly. I wish 343 would bring back the game we all love. The game we couldn't wait to play after school. The game we were addicted to. The game where everyone was even and you were matche with people with similar skill sets so you never felt out of place. The game where team work meant something. The game where you could throw some nades and kill a bunch of people. Double kill triple kill killtacular!! Remember those? How awesome that felt. And how you didn't have to play 10000 games to actually get one good one going beause every few games you played were all great. That's us what halo was. Like an arcade you could pop two quarters into and have at it. You always knew what to do and what buttons to press as if it was second nature. No matter what new halo was released you always fit into the driver seat like this was your baby. No halo 4 is foreign in so many ways and illegitimate. It's sad. It's sad to say good bye to an era. -
And I wanted to throw my Xbox out the window. First game was thrown into ctf other team winning 2 to 0. I only had 2 other team mates as the rest of the team wasn't there. With 1 min left and Score 4-0 my team finally filled up. And then we lost. My average life was 10 seconds and not one double kill or more. Had like 3 kills total lol. Then played the famous ragnarok where the other team stole both mechs and camped the middle. I spent about 5 mins getting raped before I quit from frustration as there was just no way to come back. Then I played a final game ctf where again I was thrown into a match with uneven teams. Of course me being in the on with less. My team mates and I ran around like headless chickens getting raped around each corner by the larger team. All games result in the same. Campers, losing team, and outnumbered. It's so stupid. This game is not halo it is not even cod. It's a mish mosh of ideas that don't belong together in one game. It's frustrating and not even a little fun. I've been playing halo for 10 years. I'm very good at it. This game is about to go for a trade in or in the garbage. Hope 343 at least buys lunch for my 60$.
You're not alone. This feeling is being echoed again and again not just here but with everyone I play with. It's horrible.
2 weeks? Is that all they had in development time, man power, and resources? Two weeks!? They had everything including a well working game handed to them! They were literally spoon fed. And you are saying they don't have enough? Where was the beta testing on this game!? When you make a game you always beta test it with a test group of beta testers!! This game was clearly not! It seems all testing was done by the same guys making it if anything since so many bad ideas were allowed to pass. It embarrassing.
Sounds like someone here is a camper lol ahem op. That aside I agree that there is no more strategy involved in this halo. It's basically just sit and camp or run and get your head blown off by campers. Sucks.
Yes we should make the br stronger to match the over powered dmr. And then i was thinking we should give everyone snipers and make the snipers fire as fast as you can press the button. To match that we would need rockets with the ability to hold a full clip of rockets! Now that's a good idea! How about me just go back to original halo weapons in matchmaking. Gameplay there was balanced and mostly fair and these ridiculous cross fires from across a huge map never happened.
Seriously why don't you worry about the gameplay before worrying about how to dress Barbie.