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  1. Shutout is a remake of blackout from the first halo 3 DLC. Simplex is a Remake of an old halo 2 map, can't remember exactely but i think it was called warlock. Garotte Reminds me of a Campaign mission in halo 2.. I swear Scythe was made from a map in Halo CE but i checked today and couldn't find it. My only complaint is that map ordinace sniper drops are way to common on that Map with the giant tower in the middle with the rocket spawn... People just grab the snipers on the outside and snipe into the center hill... Its a forged death trap for people boosting the sniper kills. My favourite map is simplex, I just love the perfection it gave me the first game i played on it.
  2. Well Infinity slayer gives you power weapons even if you have a 0.03 K/D... In halo reach it was easy to go on riots by having your team controll all of the power weapons, now the other team gets power weapons no matter what I'd say thats the main reason.. It doesn't matter how much of a Bamf you are at halo, it's hard to win a fight against someone who has a damage boost unless they are really horrorable. Classes also make a big difference, Dmrs kill incredibly quick if you can get headshots, you now have the ability to noob combo from the start of the game since you can have plasma pistols on spawn, Do i really need to mention the 1 hit kill sidearm? the BS?
  3. flood is the way to go on this one... its not hard to get 3 first strikes in one 5 minute game if you rush out wrecklessly and try for it... I've had assault since level 54.
  4. Spartan ops is my favourite aspect of halo 4 currently, The more messy the levels are the better, i only wish you could add on skulls.
  5. Umm dude... When his orders weren't followed he Left master Chief for dead on a completely unknown planet full of enemies. I don't think his insubordination "Flew" at all
  6. Depends on the game really... i make sure to beat down and TeaBag a camper if i'm near him.. when people do it to me though i just jump and do 360s on my 8 sensitivity... most of them lose track of me after i jump though lol.
  7. From what i've seen it moves me about 3 steps... not enough to get out of the way of a vehicle... Barrely enough to get out of the way of a grenade... no way in hell can you get out of the way of a rocket with it like the evade perk in reach.. It needs a huge buff, Save for the flood gametype where it becomes the most deadly accesory in the halo universe..
  8. compared the the other 2 Secondary weapons the Boltshot is Extremely overpowered... Magnum - holds 8 rounds, requires 6 shots to the head for a kill, fast rate of fire, instant reload. Plasma Pistol - 50 shots or 5 overcharged bolts, lowers shields quickly but does little to no damage by itself.. requires another weapon to finish off the enemy most times... The overcharge in combonation with a headshot is argueably the fastest way to kill at midranged with loadout weapons... But you can only hold the overcharge for roughly 35 seconds before the plasma pistol runs completely out of charge.. also the lock on feature isn't reliable.. Boltshot - holds 10 rounds, overcharging fires 5 at a time, while single fire is useless but the overcharge setting is as powerfull as a shotgun, more powerfull than the scattershot at close range... It is a Zero skill weapon, because it is always obtainable in a loadout, it requires 0 timing with the YY, and is in no way hard to aim.. The only way it is hard to aim is if your one of the kids who freaks out when an enemy actually MOVES instead of just stands still... Don't believe those kids are out there? try Jumping over someone in close quarters sometimes.. This is the only way i've survived against a boltshot consistently in close quarters.. Also the reason why the storm rifle is superior to the assault rifle is because like all plasma based weaponry is the fact that it takes down shields every quickly... it takes only a few shots with the storm rifle + 1 melee to kill... where as with an assault rifle it takes considerably longer bursts to get them to the point of 1 hit kill with melee.. Atleast that's what i've seen.
  9. I like abandon way more than Complex.. but your right it has its problems.. There will never be a miracle cure for a map such as this especially if your fighting a team that is in communication.. 2 people camp the front ramp, 1 camps the lift, and 1 camps the rear... i've had games like this that are impossible to win on solo... Solo tactics... The lift: always assume that the lift is being camped with a weapon such as the shotgun, boltshot, scattershot, sword, or gravity hammer... The lift should almost never be used if it is being camped.. don't go up it yourself, don't throw grenades up it, and for sure don't charge up there with a power weapon thinking you can beat the camper... you can't because hes likely crouched and you won't know which direction he will kill you from.. The one thing that you can do is send holograms up the lift... 1 single time i got annoyed and did this... kept sending them up.. then eventually i put a hologram where i was standing.. too mimic the red dot on the map, and went up the lift myself and killed the guy because he didn't wanna waste ammo on holograms.. I don't recomend this.. it just takes to long and not everybody will fall for it.. So in general the lift is off limits if you want to win. The Large ramp: Most teams base 2 people in this area with any type of weapons.. This is certainly the way to go if you're working with a team yourself, but if your just playing with randoms and don't have proper communication this is not the way to go... most of the time if you head this way your going to get double teamed by the campers who have the job of covering this opening.. not something i would reccomend unless you happen to have the Saw + damage boost.. then you can risk it.. i've gotten an overkill by doing this... but i would avoid it. The Back Door: typically 1 person covers this entrance in an organized team, but this is by far the best option... you can come at it from two ways, 1 through the entrance from the side by sneaking up the ramps, or you can come in from one of the bases... always assume that the camper has a boltshot or other close range power weapon... Active camo is usefull here, if you wanna sneak in and set up a sticky which is the best way to kill him... you can also try a boltshot, Plasma pistol overcharge + melee, or a noob combo.. once you kill the guy camping the back door the other 3 will likely rush to his aid.. which gives your team members, (random people or not) to rush up to the top and take controll.. Additional Tips: 1: Somewhere around 2-3 Minutes into the game a Saw will spawn in the purple forest, if you save a damage boost ordinance and obtain this weapon... You turn into an absolute MONSTER it only takes about 1 second of fire to kill an enemy at mid range... If you know how to use the saw this is an option to take over the top instantly, This really can help but it does require luck to get the damage boost ordinance and also aquire the saw.. 2: Somewhere around 5 minutes into the game a rocket launcher will spawn on the lowest floor of the main building.. If you cannot take controll of the top floor put on a load out that includes a jet pack and wait untill the rockets spawn... after this grab the rockets and run as fast as you can out of the room... Because the campers up top are only 3-4 seconds away from this weapon at any time.. and they want it just as badly as you do even if they are winning the game... 3: Personal Sniper Ordinances are INCREDIBLY usefull.. there are alot of spots on the outer edges of this map where you can take all the time in the world to line up a headshot and take it.. Active Camo is a Viable Option in this case to help you not get spotted... if you can clear one of the entrances with a sniper so your team can get through.. you will be extremely more likely to take the top.. 4: DO NOT GET FRUSTRATED! Seriously! i cannot stress this enough! No matter how annoying it is, no matter how many times you've been killed Do not get frustrated! When people on my teams get frustrated they resort to rushing in and hoping for a lucky grenade kill... This is how your K/D nosedives.. The enemy is still in power and no matter how many times you rush in your not going to kill all 4 of them with load out weapons unless you are incredibly lucky or they are incredibly sucky... 5: Jetpacking, if you are right above them and you get in a DMR fight, you will be able to hit them in the head, but they will not be able to hit you in the head.. Keeping yourself high in the air is a way to win DMR fights with campers, and also makes nearly all power weapons useless... Only Snipers will be able to do any sort of real damage if you stay high enough above them.. This only works in a 1v1 though... if you have multiple people shooting you, odds are you won't win. I hope this helps anyone who is having trouble but in the end, People camp up top for a reason, IT does give an advantage..
  10. Yeah this and the fact that flood are way more overpowered than the previous infection gametypes.. In Reach getting 25 kills in 1 life wasn't a challenge if you were good... It is almost impossible in the flood gametype... I would love it if they brought back the old style infection.
  11. Yeah it did have a different feel to it... But in my opinion halo 4 had many different feels to it aswell... which is why i don't understand the problem here.. Halo 4 and halo CE have the same basic tasks involved in both of them... if you want examples of this, well... Try to throw covenant boarding parties off your ship... Crashland to a new planet or halo ring and regroup with allies... Attempt to secure the area and fail... Figure out what the enemy intends to do... (Use halo ring/Composer) Rig something up to Stop that from happening, while trying to save all the allies you can and fail.. Think of something new to blow up the thing all together... Fight your way through a ****load of enemies while watching all but a few of your allies die... Blow the hell out of the enemies plans.. (Nuking the composer/Detonating the autumn to destroy the ring) And finally you succeed... game over. Most of these apply to halo 2-3 aswell... reach and odst are the exceptions in my opinion. The difference is, halo 4 brought in some new aspects and enemies.. For instance i only remember halo 1-3 having tanks, warthogs, banshees... Halo 4 introduced a Full fledge longsword pilot level which while i found to be a gigantic pain in the ass at times.. was fresh and not the standard repetition... Not to mention the fact that in the first halo trilogy the flood would just magically appear for no reason (other than the fact that they are hungry) in the middle of all the trilogy games.. Found it a nice change to have promethians show up instead.. Also you can take everything ever done on any video game ever down to a generic action... Maybe in halo 4 there was alot of "Kill the enemies and then press this button to go on to the next set of enemies..." but the same thing can be done to any game... All games are repetition to this extent... Which is why i don't really see what people mean when they say any game is repetitive.. Also i'm not just trying to be a fanboy here... Halo 4 has its problems that i could complain about, like i really didn't like how we killed the didact off... or the fact that all of the OST's in halo 4 were depressing and i miss the old halo 2 Mjolnir mix type music.. But in the end I Think that halo 4 wasn't as repetitive as everybody thinks it was... but thats just my opinion.
  12. Tobi


    Maybe Caboose thought out the levels Caboose loves buttons!!!!!!
  13. Well hey i love halo campaign, all of them, but i was simply trying to say that all halo campaigns are Short... I went through halo 3 on legendary completely clearing everything in like 5-6 hours... I don't remember for halo Ce/2/odst but i know they weren't 10 hours.. So my only point here is that Complaining that a 10-11 hour campaign is short compared to the previous ones doesn't seem right. Also halo 4 may be some what repetitive, But keep in mind that halo CE which everybody loves.. Repeated the exact same map twice on 3 different occasions.. We visited the Pillar of Autumn Twice, We visited the Reconciliation twice, and we Visited the huge snowy cavern twice.. Each time we were just working a slightly different motive.. I've never been that big of a fan of the GTA Series... But i know it's in a freestyle setting, Which puts it on par with games like AC Revelations and Read Dead Redemption.. they are naturally longer for 3 reasons... 1: Most of them have mini quests like taking over areas, which take massive amounts of time to complete.. 2: Having to walk/drive/swim to the person who gives you the mission takes time.. 3: Freestyle type games are designed to be fun just screwing around instead of doing missions... Cut out the time of all those and its going to be simular to the time of halo campaign i bet.. You can't really compare freestyle games with linear games like halo.. Compare it to other linear games like Cod mw2, Battlefield 3, black ops... any of these.. you'll find that they are much much shorter.
  14. It's just how i would like to see it, to be honest its not all that likely. There is no doubt that halo 6 will have somewhat of an open ending and 343 stated they want Chief to have a Heroic death... Someone will take over for chief after this and to me it might aswell be a human cortana. Also It's true chief survived entering earth... so something extra would have to be added to take the didact out.. or maybe Since reach is larger than earth the fall would be Harder/longer/faster... Idk but i would like that better than a fight like the one against the lightbulb at the end of halo 3 or Slapping the prophet of regret to death in the middle of halo 2... Also the whereabouts of Jun are currently unknown... So somehow i suspect he will make a comeback in a future game.
  15. Just fyi, someone completed halo 2 on legendary in 3 hours 21 minutes... Don't ***** about 10 hour games being to short... @The guy above me.. Just made my freakin day... That was hillarious...
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