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Everything posted by Fenix421D

  1. "he's gunna kill us all!!!" Grunt-Halo CE
  2. lol thanks for the birthday thing bro lol

  3. itd be badass if they had the ability to control the damage equivalent on your armor like battle scars or bullet pockmarks or blade slices on the armor. Another idea could be customized body attachments like choices for a grenade bandolier or something.
  4. Fenix421D

    the campaign

    For sure bro! bad ass action scenes would be awesome. Thatd be kinda cool if a few were built in to the campaign engine for like interactive playing. like a hand to hand combat with a elite or a brute or something.
  5. Seriously?! senor matey how could u have gotten any info on it? if its true??
  6. Hey everybody. hit me up with new info about any shooters or games u guys are interested in playing. xbox360 tho. Fenix421D New info on Halo is always appreciated
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