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Everything posted by MyLittleJihad

  1. I'm a little late to the thread. However - I've built a 'Smear the Quear' map. It was one of my favourites from Halo:3, and my friend and I honestly couldn't pass up the oppurtunity. We've tested it out - it works great. Can't wait for it to be downloaded and the like, have all our friends playing on it at once. The only thing that upsets me is that the 'Quear' can no longer be a pink spartan. Just a really scary, odd lookin' flood. But the intent of the gamemode is still there, and that's all that matters. I've also built, alongside the same friend, several neat little maps on Impact. Can add my GT and check 'em out sometime, if you'd like.
  2. I can answer the one. You can't really get a custom gamerpig (As in an uloaded .Jpg image and the like) However - you can get a custom pic of your Avatar in whatever which pose you want. There are default ones, and then the ones that you can make yourself. Maybe one day they'll have the functionality where you can have custom .jpg images.
  3. I've had the chrome controller a while now. The transformable D-pad is nice, though admittedly I've had a bit of trouble with it. It can be overly sensitive somestimes, causing it to trigger the wrong button. For example - hitting the down d-pad, though it seems to think you've hit the right d-pad. Nonetheless, it's a hell of a lot better than the original controller, in my opinion. Worth the exta money.
  4. I don't mind that you have to wait to use the specializations. It makes sense. Besides - if you were allowed to use them right off the bat, it'd give you a bit of an unfair edge, wouldn't it?
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