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The Killa Bunny

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Everything posted by The Killa Bunny

  1. Does anyone here know if 343i plan to allow us to download from our Halo 4 in-game file share here? Like Bungie used to do? I came here hoping to find a way of downloading screenshots from my file share that doesn't involve getting my game capture kit out :/

  2. I had no idea Bungie had sold their soul to Activision. I'm not sure it was a good move. I've heard nothing but bad things about Activision. They should have stayed independent after leaving MS imo, it never hurt Bethesda. But I wish them all the best. Btw, some ppl above have no manners. lol. 343i - I love you, even if some don't and have the cheek to come onto your website and troll. Disgusting. Thank you for keeping Halo alive for us
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