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    LuKey xX

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  1. lukeymiller123


    Well as much as I loved SWAT in Halo Reach, SWAT in Halo 4 doesn't compare. Lets start with the maps, some of them are far to big for this game mode and the other thing is just the sheer lack of maps. The same 3/4 maps get voted every time and so i find myself getting very bored, very quickly. Weapons: I despise the BR in SWAT, nothing worse than getting sprayed the hell out off by noobs slowly walking round corners. What happened to quick, accurate shots? I agree that the DMR should be the only weapon. The pistol as well is just as good as any rifle and needs sorting out, its a side arm not a starting weapon. Also some other SWAT game modes would be nice as well eg. swat magnums, swat oddball ect. One last thing, I don't know if anyone else has the same problem but the cross hairs after sprinting take so long to appear! I dont know if this is me being picky but compared to reach it just seems slower at appearing.
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