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David Joseph Brown

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David Joseph Brown's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. Hi, I'm GT: PRIME v2! If you love to to play Halo 4 and want a group of dedicated teammates to roll through some War Games then send me an invite...this could evolve into a full blown clan but right now i want to form a close group of people who want to enjoy Halo knowing we can can trust our teamates! I think it would be cool if we all had the same emblem but nothing is set in stone! Peace out ladies and gents! GT: PRIME v2 (lvl 51 Wetwork) Ill be online most nights 9-1ish EST
  2. Zanzibar was better, as was hang em high....ragnarok needs to go
  3. I personally hope they pull a cheat move and bring her back...Cortana was alive for longer than most AI's...we all die and her time came. Sad, yes, but i think Chief will use her death as a powerful tool for retribution! Also, to see chiefs darker side perhaps...
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