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Everything posted by OutGunnd

  1. Dafaq??? Yes, I like to have ranking system in the game... not for bragging rights just for something to work towards and feel rewarded when I hit my preset targets... it's also a Challenge which keeps you coming back for more... the current system provide no challenge what so ever. That is what is fun to me, don't get me wrong I love to play custom game and goof off, but i'm not allowed to do that either. As for the betrayal comment: Spawn. Get in mantis. Teammate Emps me. Destroys vehicle. Please explain to me how that's not an issue.
  2. You have no idea what your talking about, Halo 3 was better in every department expect for forge. BTW: Halo 3 had a bigger population in is prime; 250K, Halo 4 bearly has 130K. When xbox live is twice as big compared to back then.
  3. I don't care whether Cod is first or not to implement, their features or not... that not the point. The issue that i'm addressing that 343 thinks it's okay to remove most of feature that made halo great and replace it with boring and generic stuff, which isn't even done right as their are tons on bugs, you see every time you go to the forums and 343 DOES NOTHING. Also, the ranking system is a joke... it not a ranking system that's the problem, win or lose you xp for doing anything and their is no incentive to win the game. In-fact betraying teammates and destroying vehicles will still get 1000+ xp UTTER NONSENSE.
  4. HALO 4 IS BAD. NO QUESTIONS Enough small talk 343, someone needs to tell it how it is. Halo 4 is a piece of crap, plain and simple... the final product of Halo 4 isn't good enough but ANY stretch of the imagination. The game is boring, generic, has a TON of glitches and bugs in EVERY aspect of the game from campaign to Forge. This game that you have the cheek to call Halo 4... is OUTCLASSED in every area by Halo 3. No Questions. A game made in 2007... How embarrassing. When I play this mess, I struggle to see how any of you guys were "long time halo fans" ... give me a break. We all gave you a chance, We trusted you and you messed up, plain and simple everything in this game is just simply bad. Not Different Not Evolution Not Change BAD..... GOOD OLD FASHIONED BAD !!! GUTTING, REMOVING AND KILLING HALO The FEEL OF HALO, WHAT FEEL... Prior to the launch of Halo 4 we told OVER and OVER AND OVER... "the feel of Halo is still there" & "it still is halo"....etc etc, Many Halo fans believed you... then you swindled them into buying your crappy game by basically straight up lying to the fans... because every aspect of what make halo, halo is GONE. GOODBYE HALO, WELCOME TO CALL OF HALO: SPARTAN OPS 4. PERKS, KILL-STREAKS, KILL-CAMS, NO REAL RANKING SYSTEM, LOAD-OUTS, BAD MAPS. FAIL NET-CODE CONNECTION, NO CUSTOMS GAMES, SPARTAN FLOPS, ACTIVE CAMPO, CAMPERS, USELESS TEAMMATES. JETPACK BREAKS MAPFLOW. NO TEAM PLAY. INSTANT RE-SPAWN DMR SPAM. PAPER VEHICLES. NO HORNET/FALCON. RANDOM ORDINANCE. FORGE MAPS. NO FILE SHARE. NO SKULLS. FAIL ARMOR. SPECIFICATIONS UNLOCK ISSUES. RANK RESETS. PUNISHED FOR WINNING THE GAME/OBJECTIVE PLAY. HOW THE HELL IS THIS ^^^^ HALO !?!?!?! - WELL DONE 343. WE NOW HAVE TWO CODS ON THE MARKET. THE NEW "HALO" FEEL Now all Halo is about is just using active Campo, sitting on a rock with a DMR and just putting you BRAIN on standby while you just Spam the DMR across the map for 20 mins EVERY GAME for POINTLESS XP that shows NOTHING apart from how long you spent playing this wretched game. No point of playing tactically you will get pooped on by DMR spammers.. Want to use Vehicles??? Nope Teammates will destroy them Want to play the objective??? Nope get owned by DMR active campo. Play to win??? Why bother?... You won't even get as much xp compared to if you kill. Want to compare skill levels??? Nope 12 year old's get butt-hurt when the ranking system calls them out. (If you can't Handle a TRUE RANKING SYSTEM aka 1-50, RETIRE from competitive games and please PLAY MARIO KART & AND KINECT.) WHAT HALO USED TO BE Halo 1-3 was a an absolute pleasure to play, It Catered to ALL TYPES OF GAMERS From Causal to Competitive... it included everyone and it gave a huge replay value to the game, It had the social and ranked split in matchmaking and it gave everyone the chance on how to play halo, if they wanted to go for the win or just mess around and chill... you had the option of choosing WHENEVER you wanted, you wasn't FORCED to do either... this gave the game an extra dimension, an extra edge, and boosted replay value greatly. The campaigns were solid, skulls kept you coming back for more. Because of these factors the custom game community was allowed to excel with tons of user content, boosting the life of the halo game beyond predictions Even on social, halo was about going for the win as a team, the game rewarded winners and only winners which encourage players to go for the objective at all times, boosting team play... players would start of on even ground whether it was your first game or 1000th game... you it was down to the player skill not down to what the unlocked or got in their kill-streaks Nearly every weapon was useful in the right hand or situation and had to be fought over to gain an upper hand by using map control. THIS MADE HALO, FAIR, FUN, COMPETITIVE AND REWARDING. WHATEVER TYPE OF PLAYER. Last words Rant over, clearly 343 has no intention of fixing the mess they created (or continued from reach) but I just want everyone to know that 343 did a bad job and it's not up to the standard of halo. Discuss.
  5. File share lol, don't except that till. Summer... 343 have no idea what they are doing...
  6. Where are the falcons and hornets... Missing in action, along with the rest of halo and 343 common sense...
  7. Nope this is new halo, therefore logic and common sense goes out the window. And everything changes... Into Cod.
  8. The fact that have to go to custom Games to play a competitive halo really shows how much 343 failed.
  9. Thanks for the reply, I don't want to be mean but the game has so many flaws it's unreal and not up to the standard set for halo games. Then 343 have the cheek to say they done a "good job" and this is "new halo" .. While ignoring not just me the entire halo community. It makes us mad. Yes, I know exactly what forum your on about.
  10. Halo 4 is a mess. No ranking system rewards gameplay that so many complain about, now I can sit on a rock with camp and the weapons wil come to me...
  11. Welcome to the "new" feel of halo. This is what happens when your take the competitive edge out of halo.
  12. When are 343 getting back from holiday?? just asking because Halo 4 is basically a train wreck ATM. I do hope, Frankie and Kiki and the rest of 343 are having a great time in the sun... but you have got a job to do fixing this game you have the cheek to call Halo. Firstly the game was sloppily put together, if you the common sense to have a beta maybe there would be so much issues and people could actually connect and actually play the game, well I guess that would send even more complainers to the forums. Next is the file share system, or lack of one... we know you have taken so many options out of the file-share browser. Just like the rest of Halo 4. So whats the wait, your quick to shove your poxy crimson Map pack and Spartan flops in our faces so why can't you listen to the fans and give us what we want. Just for once. Your killing the whole of the forging community. Just saying. When I get bored of war games... (Which doesn't take long) I love to play custom games, May I ask you 343 what have you done with the "Custom" part of Custom games?? I can't find it anywhere, Options?? Nope. Settings?? Nope. Forge??? No Chance. What planet are you guys on ? If 343 are on holiday please accept my apology, Just tell me when 343 are going to be back in business and start fixing this half finished game. Because the game if full if glitches and bugs and the game as so many broken features: Scoring system broken "Death Cams" broken Alpha Zombie broken Custom load outs broken Flood customistion problems Connection problems Network problems Weapon balance Map flow problems No ranking system No File share Poor forge maps No precision editing Forge bugs and glitches Declining population EDIT: NO RACE WTF!! There are so many more to name but I'll be here until next week. Discuss.
  13. Shmeefs are stupid its a forced meme. Oh well it's just a symbol that the halo community is falling apart, when you butcher the customisation options this much this is what you get.
  14. Ravine is ****. Erosion is a fail Impact is decent, but its overused and a lot of maps look "out of place" ie city maps etc.
  15. Shut up. 343i did a crap job why are you defending them. Forge world was great but there was problems that needed tone addressed. 343 complete ignored the fans and did their own thing and flopped. 3 tiny maps, riddle with kill zones. The maps are so **** that we want forge world back.
  16. No, we have enough gimmicks and perks as it is why can't you learn how to use map control rather than to 'bypass' and 'hack' everything.
  17. Agreed, this not game is just not to standard of what a Halo game should be. Very, very average. What planet are 343 on??
  18. Custom games is a disgrace. It's such a f******* mess it's not even funny. Flood mode broken, Trait Zones Broken, Alpha Zombies? Broken Loadouts? Broken Weapon placement? Broken. Scoring System? Broken Customization??? Broken. (You can't even change the weapons of the flood.) ... I could make a full list but I would be here until next week, 343 need to get their finger out and fix the game... NOBODY GIVES A DAMN ABOUT SPARTAN OPS or the Maps packs really. Forge is a train-wreck to say the least. They couldn't even just copy and paste reaches forge and be done with it. Its buggier than EVER and its outclassed by HALO 3 a game made in 2007. Embarrassing. The worst part of this is that 343 have butchered custom games/forge so much that it's not even usable anymore, to customize and change and create now that's gone it defeats the purpose of CUSTOM games. When will 343 realize that customs is and was the main factor to keep people playing halo long after it's release. Spartan ops won't do it, War games won't cut it. the only thing that is capable was destroyed. What Planet are 343 on???
  19. Not much to say really, I was really looking forward to the Halo 4 forge and although it added some exciting new things to the table... some really important elements just simply left out. Not to mention that all the maps are crippled with kill zones...Nice job 343. But that would be fine because after all forge world had it's similar problems and I was not really to fussed to be honest, what really killed it for me was "Custom" games or what I now like to call it "games" because they is pretty much nothing customistable... it hasn't been this bad since Halo CE, heck at least in CE you could choose if you had weapons placed down on the map. The Next issue is the game-types themselves or lack of them, One flag? Assault? Headhunter? Stockpile? VIP? all solid gametypes removed for no reason... What about the Insane game-type? Please don't make use wait a year for any of these game-types to make an appearance. The general reaction to this is that "We need to be more creative now" but that doesn't make any sense because we need less restrictions not more for that to happen. Discuss.
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