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Mandi Lynne Sterling

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Everything posted by Mandi Lynne Sterling

  1. I am SO fed up. I have tried EVERY suggestion on here, it has been over 2 weeks and I STILL can't play and can't get ANY help from 343 industries OR Xbox. What a load of crap and horrible customer service.
  2. This did not fix it. I was able to play 1 map HAVEN and then I turned off my xbox took a shower, came back and the same stupid **** happened again. Are there ANY admins that run this site? HELP? We paid a LOT of money for your game dammit, why is this not being addressed.
  3. Hmm that's interesting. I can see how that might happen. How would I go about installing the play disc to the flash drive?
  4. The 1st disc doesnt really do anything right? I popped it in and it told me to put in disc 2 and install then put in disc 1 to play after.
  5. It's not the internet - as I went to a lan party brought my xbox and my halo4 and it still did the same thing.
  6. So I was really excited for Halo 4, and I went to the midnight release and picked up my copy for a wopping $60.00. Cool. I then find out I need to go out and purchase a flashdrive just to play the game. Okay whatever. An additional 40.00 spent. So I go home to play, did everything correctly as far as installing with disc 2 and popping the play disc in and starting up the game, and BAM. Every single time I try and join infinity matchmaking it connects me, I see the other players , I vote on a map, it counts down and then my game resets. Takes me back to the beginning sponsors and main menu. Every single time. I am absolutely 100% connected to xbox live. AND other games like call of duty and borderlands work perfectly fine online. My player status says "Not joinable". I have messed around with the settings, making sure I am set up to play online, and that I am connected. I have uninstalled and reinstalled. I have purchased an entirely new flashdrive thinking this was the problem. I have returned my halo 4 and gotten a different copy. I have tried every single thing I could POSSIBLY think of. I also am not able to join any of my friends games. It's infuriating. So much wasted money. I called xbox support, and waited over an HOUR on the phone with the guy who had no idea what to do to fix the issue, inevitably saying he just didn't know, and "sorry". I'm just livid at this point. Here I am negative -$120.00 and the game STILL will not play. I feel helpless. And the worse part is, I have seen several other posts about people complaining of the SAME issue, and have gotten zero replies. Right now I want to throw this game in the trash.
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