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Everything posted by Autana79

  1. After just having my internet connection throw a wobble during the game I was playing I am no longer able to play Spartan Op's offline. Why? It clearly states ingame that I can play this game mode single player and yet here I am writing on your forum telling you that it is a blatent LIE. Oh, but I can play it single player? Yes, with GOLD and ONLINE. You disgust me, truly you do. But I do have to thank you as well I might add for this will be the last day one purchase of a game I will make, here on out. Shame, it was looking to be a great game up untill that hurdle unwittingly caught me out on the off chance. Thanks for the demo of Spartan op's though, it's actually made it possible to get a good trade in price while the goings still good. HOW ON EARTH DID YOU THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA TO TOTALLY KNACKER AND CUT OF THE SINGLE PLAYER PART OF THE GAME I INSTALLED WHEN NOT ONLINE? ON A ******* CONSOLE. LUNATICS.
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