BF3 Premium Pros and Cons
Why this thread?
I was having a conversation with some friends about BF3P, and it turns out that even though we were premium members, we weren't exactly clear about what we were getting. So I placed a few calls and wrote a few emails, and this is what I got from it.
What is BF3 Premium?
Battlefield 3 Premium (BF3 Premium) is a service that allows it's members to have special privileges while playing BF3. These privileges include but are not limited to; weapons, maps, camo's, weapon camo's, preferred server access, etc.
Pros of BF3P:
1. All map packs are released for premium members a week early.
2. All of the map packs are free to premium members (they are about 1200 each).
3. Some premium weapons are more powerful than normal in-game weapons.
4. Preferred server access allows premium members to "cut in line" during server ques.
5. Extra in-game content such as character and weapon camouflage, Assignments, and Dog Tags.
Cons of BF3P:
1. It is 4000 MSP.
2. It shows that you are a BF3P player in-game during kill-cams (making you a target for haters).
Battlefield 3 Premium not only allows you early access to map packs, but gives you them for free. It also allows you to unlock weapons that would otherwise be inaccessible, and allows you to join games faster than non-premium members.
The Cons list is a bit short, but that's because the only real con of it is the price (even though paying a one time fee of 4k MSP is a lot better than paying 1200 for each map pack). If you can think of any other's, please post them below.