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The Director

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Everything posted by The Director

  1. Yes, you have to be signed into the group. This makes sure that people don't cheat their way into getting the award.
  2. YAY! I have changed my signature accordingly. lol Congrats on the promotion, btw. Golden mod now.
  3. That's much better. Now, while I agree with the hitboxes, I do not agree that they are stupid. Ugly, well yes, they are designed to be. However, they are actually a very smart race of aliens. Whether or not Elites are in Matchmaking, I don't really care either way. I can deal with it.
  4. You aren't a bad friend, and everyone makes mistakes man. We all lose our tempers sometimes, and sometimes take them out on people who don't deserve them. If you feel that you have to take a break from the forum until the issues that are causing you to be in a foul mood are dealt with, then that's your call, but if you leave for good... Then who will I argue with!?!?! D:
  5. The Director


    Bah, of course we care Don't we all talk every day?
  6. Did you know that I am the first forum president?
  7. This isn't so much funny as awesome, but whatever lmao
  8. Slightly offended that you didn't include Swat/Snipers, to be honest. lol
  9. Great video. Included bits from Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo Reach, AND Halo CEA! I give it a 10/10. Even showed a guy BXRing xD
  10. Did you know that there are members here who don't play Halo, or even have an X-Box 360?
  11. You are forgetting the fact that bots can aim and fire faster than any human being ever could. If I had 3 "legendary" bots on my team, with BPRs of 100, on my team, the enemy team would be pretty much screwed. As far as defeating the purpose of my friends leaving, you obviously didn't read my entire post. There it is again so you can read it.
  12. Schrodinger actually made this experiment to prove how preposterous certain interpretations of the Uncertainty Principle are. He got a completely sound proof and opaque box. In this box he put a cat and a quite devilish little device. This device has an unstable atom and a can detect when it decays. When it does so it unleashes a poison gas easily able to kill a small mammal such as a cat, especially when there is no circulation. When the cat and this device is placed in the box and sealed off there is no way to detect what is going on in the box. The decay of atoms and subatomic particles is governed by the Uncertainty Principle and is completely random when it does decay. However the rate at which this type of theoretical atom decays is known and after an hour there is a fifty/fifty chance that the atom decayed and didn't decay. So according to the current idea of quantum physics the atom decayed and is still intact simultaneously. This means that this device activated and did not activate and that the defenseless cat is still alive AND dead at the same time. However once someone opens the box than one of the two states is chosen and we would either see a non-conflicting alive OR dead cat. No one knows why Schrodinger picked a sort of morbid thought experiment (because no physicists wants to needlessly kill cats, maybe the device can feed the cat so the cat would be a bit peckish or well fed simultaneously instead of dead or alive), but I guess he just wanted to show how weird this new theory could be.
  13. HA! Another post to like! lol Did you know that Twam has posted in this thread 6 times? And that he knows all there is to know about this site? lol
  14. Did you know that Twam is the only one who can change moderators?
  15. The Director

    MLG on halo 4?

    I don't know if there will be an MLG settings gametype on Halo 4 or not, and neither does MLG, as far as they've revealed lol However, I think that MLG will be playing Halo 4 because 343i did them a favor and let them have a first look at the multiplayer, bringing more attention to their existence. Considering MLG is pretty much founded off of Halo, it would be pretty crap of them not to have H4 at tournaments.
  16. Yep. Quite a bit. I have two sisters you see.
  17. Food for thought, if you do build an obsidian chamber, do it at least 10 blocks above the ground, otherwise you will end up with a crater around your chamber.
  18. Did you know that as of right now, the Legendary member's list is only for retired moderators?
  19. Wow, what an intricate and detailed list of things to come on X-Box live! This guy should be a member of the staff! Or a mod! ;D lol
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