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The Director

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Everything posted by The Director

  1. This really depends on the person. Some people who've been hit by lightning report very little pain, while others say it's the worst pain they've ever had. http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Redstone_Wire Read up on redstone and try to see if you are doing something wrong
  2. 24 horses and 50 humans. Humans + Horses = 74 heads 2Humans + 4Horses = 196 legs (2Humans + 4Horses) - (2 Humans + 2Horses) = 196 - 148 2Horses = 48 Horses = 24 Humans + (24) = 74 Horses = 74 - 24 Horses = 50
  3. Yes it is, there are people who have done the entire campaign on LASO without dying. At all. Scary world out there o.oAnd elephants usually have rather long noses, so I've never made a connection between EOD and elephant head. lol I'd prefer puppies. Cats are harder to train.
  4. Sounds like a plan, but I think it's unlikely. And I agree with twin's idea, but am going to take it a step further. Vader Armor. With the voicebox and everything except the cape. Many Bothans died to bring you this information.
  5. Deus Ex: The Conspiracy Platform: PC, PS2 The Director's Rating: 9.8/10 This game you play as Agent JC Denton, who is a biologically enhanced "super soldier". Using Nanotechnology, his body is upgraded based on "skill points" used by the player. This can give you quite a few awesome skills to have. You can go stealth, run and gun, or even a thief type of player. It's a multilateral FPSRPG. What that means is that it's a story with quite a few different endings. You start out with the same cutscene, but the choices you make throughout the game affect the storyline of the game. This was one of the first games to successfully pull off "alternate endings" based off of the players playstyle and choices. Combat: This game is a Role-Play game, but also a first person shooter. The people you fight against vary from mission to mission (and depend on choices you make). You have a variety of weaponry that can be upgraded with things you buy or pick up from enemies corpses. There are stealthy options, or high damage and high rps options. There are even a few melee options including swords and knives. Missions: There is a lateral campaign on this game, so of course there are missions. What you do in your mission (kill a certain person, leave everyone alive, etc.) determines what happens later in the mission or on the next mission. The missions increase in difficulty per mission. Storyline: The story is very intricate. What you do will effect conversational options throughout the game. However, this game isn't like most "choose your own adventure" games. Most choose your own adventure games give you two or three different endings based on what you've done in the game. This one gives you quite a few different endings, and the last mission is set up so that you can get to every ending in the game without having to actually replay through the game each time. Synopsis: This game has been recognized as one of the best games of all time, but wasn't talked about all that much in the press. Most older gamers have at least heard of this game if not played it, but TONS of younger gamers only know the Deus Ex series by the newest one released. It's one of the best multilateral games I've personally ever played. Even better than Mass Effect and KotOR. The Director's Recommendation: I recommend that you try your best to get a copy of this game. It has a MASSIVE amount of replayability, and will keep you entertained for hours. The storyline is a little "played out" these days, but remember, this is one of the first. Even if you aren't a fan of the other games in the Deus Ex series, this game is one you should treat yourself to. If you have a recommendation for a game that I should review, then let me know in the comments (I follow all of my threads ;D). Remember though, if it's a hyped up game then I won't do it. "Lesser Known" is in the title after all. Hope you enjoy your time in the world of games. Wanna see the others? Check out the menu! http://www.343indust...own-games-menu/
  6. Twinreaper, myself, and Azaxx are the only non-moderators that I know of who have been here for over a year (excluding the Legendary Members).
  7. Turtles are cool. They just go through life, chillin. Turtles don't chase people to bite them, and they don't try to eat your food off your plate. So yeah, I like turtles. I am 22 years old. Actually, the sending troops into Afghanistan is because on September 18, 2001 the United States Congress effectively declared war on the Taliban because they were harboring Al Qaeda forces that were directly responsible for the September 11 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York city. The mission in Afghanistan was to eliminate High Profile Al Qaeda Targets, and to overthrow the Taliban Regime. We've accomplished the first task, however the Taliban are still fighting. Not to mention the 2,016 American fatalities (mind you, those are just those that have died, not those who are missing limbs) and all of the deaths of the "Coalition Forces" (27 different countries, btw, not including the Nato forces). Not to mention the fact that all of those who have fought in Afghanistan are listed as "War Veterans". I'm not sure where you got the "Technically isn't a war" thing from, but I assure you that you are mistaken. Oh but I do. I just do it subtly. ;D The weapons may sound "weak" but they DO sound more realistic. The Battle Rifle sounds very similar to an M16A-4 on Burst Fire, and the DMR sounds like the M16A-4 on single fire. When firing an assault rifle, the most pronounced sound you hear is actually the buffer spring rather than the gunshot itself.
  8. Yep. Got a nice goat out of it too. ;D lmao
  9. Thing with gravel and sand is that it is affected by gravity, so it will fall to the bottom when you put it down! Easy enough. And yeah, takes a bit, but it's far faster than trying to do it with a bucket, and it's basically your only shot. lol
  10. You could also add those of us who've been here for over a year and are still active. There aren't very many of us roaming around. xD Also, my suggestion for the car is a Dodge Viper (SRT-10 if they have that, any other model if they don't).
  11. Well the surviving Spartan II's WERE slated for duty aboard the UNSC Infinity, so it's possible that she may be. On the other hand, this could have happened so suddenly that she didn't have time to board yet due to the pressing nature of other matters at hand.
  12. Worked really hard, got promoted a lot. Eventually used political influences and money to get where I needed to be. That sort of thing. 1. I was elected School President (not class president, mind you, school president) throughout highschool. 2. I was a moderator on Peerscommons (#Main, in fact) for nearly three years. 3. I joined the United States Marines fresh out of high school and am now a war veteran (Afghanistan). 4. I've been with this forum for over a year now, and am well respected enough to win an election by a landslide. 5. I've got a sense of duty, AND a sense of humor.
  13. The Director

    AAN2 Skyrim

    From the album: Random

    This is the image that I used while I was assisting in writing the wikia (and also TES Wiki) for Skyrim. This was back when not many people KNEW there WAS a Skyrim wiki/wikia, so it was a bit of work.
  14. By accident, yes. However, since a rabbit does not know how to use a knife, it is unlikely that it would be able to do so intentionally. Because the people love me! Or because I campaigned the most... lmao
  15. lol... that's not how seeds work bro. xD A seed is for world generation at the start of the game. Seeds are your starter world. For instance, "worstseedever" starts you right in front of a mob spawner that's covered with sand. "888" starts you near an open air dungeon that has saddles and whatnot in it. "diamonds" starts you on a snowy world that apparently has a bunch of diamonds. The seed determines how your world generates. There are quite a few seeds, a lot of which haven't been discovered. As I said earlier, the way to test if you have typed in an ACTUAL seed is to save the world and start a new world with the same seed and see if they match.
  16. lol This has been asked before and I wear neither. They are too restricting around my "manhood", so I wear shorts (swimtrunks, loose fitting athletic wear, etc.) instead. Even if I had the power to do so, the answer would still be no. You have to work for a high rank here. lol Go right ahead.
  17. It's quite simple really. You just stop shaving and trimming your facial hair. That is, if you are genetically dispositioned for growing facial hair. Some people aren't.
  18. Because I don't share my world dominationz! >.> lmao Nope, not yet. Don't have the money to.
  19. A better trick would be to fill the entire area under the structure with gravel. Then when you ignite the structure, it should do some damage. Also, using a bucket on that much water will get you nowhere dude lol four blocks of water in a square = an unlimited water source.
  20. Screw that dude, now it's going to take me weeks to finish this skyscraper >.<
  21. This is my version of Azaxx's creation, done after five minutes of Azaxx leaving the world
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