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The Director

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Everything posted by The Director

  1. I loved both Battlefront 1 and 2. I liked 2 a bit more because it was more in depth though.
  2. The fact of the matter is that doing any of the things listed in the OP is against the rules and regulations that every single player with an XBL account agreed to abide by when they signed up. So really, it doesn't matter if they actually offend you or not, it's not allowed. That means that YOUR OPINION of what should and shouldn't offend people doesn't really count for anything. As far as the kids thing goes, most kid's parents don't even know what their kid is playing. The reasons for this are pretty simple really. Retailers don't commonly check ID for rated M games. I bought nearly all of my games (most of the games I have owned are rated M) and haven't been ID'd a single time since the age of 9. I do not work for Microsoft, so I don't really know. My guess is that the effects just haven't hit him yet (like when a player who boosts on Firefight in Halo Reach by AFKing gets banned a month after they did it). I would block communications and defriend him though.
  3. Congrats! I hope you stick around to do at least 500 more
  4. Alright, just in case you find the books too difficult to get to, I'll put a little synapses here.
  5. The update is a patch And I have to download them to go online so I can help people get achievements
  6. ORLY?!?!? WELL THE FRIGGIN PATCHED IT! I blame YOU quantum. I blame you. >.> lmao Send me a message on XBL and add me as a friend. My Gtag is AAN2. I can help you get that achievement really quickly. Just gotta sort out the schedule, you know. lol
  7. I soooo call being invited. I have a great idea!
  8. All of these questions and more can be answered by reading the books. It doesn't explain it ALL, but it does explain a great deal of it. ESPECIALLY Glasslands. If you read that then your canon will be set.
  9. The Director

    Halo 4

    They gave it away because some of the achievements required to get it are no longer possible to get. Also, I'm pretty sure 343i might have their own type of armor available as a hard to get one rather than recon. Recon was Bungies helmet, so we'll see what 343i has in store for us this November.
  10. Cryptum is a must read for die-hard fans of Halo. It will explain everything about the forerunners, the humans, and even give insight to the precursors. After Cryptum though, is a book called Primordium which a lot of people forget about. My suggestion is to read Cryptum and then read Primordium before Cryptum gives you any ideas. lol
  11. Been here for over a year. :D

    1. Spyro


      Congrats Director! *starts to do a slow clap*

    2. skummgummigubbe


      me to we did join the same day

  12. Yes seriously. This isn't a joke, it's an explanation of how to use the report function of X-Box Live. XBL is used by children. As you can probably tell if you ever play CoD it doesn't necessarily have a good effect on them anyway. Seeing a profile that says something racist or with a username that is designed to piss people off could convince the kid that that is a good thing to do, creating more and more "squeakers". Personally, I cannot fathom for the life of me why someone would put something like "Resurrect the KKK" or "Burn jews burn" on their profile and not expect to get reported, but if you think they shouldn't okay then. Yeah, well the next time someone spams (and gets their friends to help) you with things like "omg u r newb go kil urselv" over 100 times in three minutes let me know if you use this guide to report them or not. Again, spammed messages can be worse than getting a video of a guy wanking. There is a serious difference between reporting someone for arguing with you (which by the way, is NOT one of the reasons listed above to report someone) and reporting someone for sending you hatefilled messages over and over. Also, ALL of the things listed above are not tolerable over X-Box live. If you want to troll someone, go do it on your computer. You are easily amused then. I'm not sure what's funny about an instructional thread, but whatever floats your boat dude.
  13. Firstly, there weren't this many people playing it in the CE/2 days. Secondly, you're right. During the days of Halo 3 EVEN MORE PEOPLE WERE COMPLAINING! They were complaining about Halo 3 being nearly exactly like Halo 2 and how Halo was copying Call of Duty by releasing the same game over and over. Also, there weren't as many people aware of the Halo forums during the days of CE/2 as there are now, so I'm sure people were complaining about Halo 2 not being anything like Halo CE as well, just not on the internet.
  14. I would have a five floor house built out of stone or concrete with a wood overlay. This will ensure that it will be resistant to storms and such. The first floor will contain a public living room, kitchen, and game room. The next two floors are for my friends to live in so I don't have to leave the house to see them. Most of them need places to stay anyway, so good deal right? lol The next floor will be my private game room, kitchen, and living room. All of the doors will have locks (which will require a key to get in) and the top floor will be my "Master Bedroom". The top two floors will be soundproofed, and there will be two entrances to the house. A backdoor and a front door.
  15. Free-will was factored into the "equation" as well. You see, when someone makes a decision, then it is based on something. Let's say there are two buttons. Button A and Button B. A person with free will will choose the button they want to choose. No matter how many times you replay the exact same scenario (without their knowledge of course, imagine rewinding a tape), they will choose the same button because of their thought processes. Free will itself is a bit laughable really, because every decision you make is made due to your previous decisions and the decisions of others. If someone along the line had made a different decision, or you had made a different decision, then your most current decision might not have happened at all. If the decisions at the start of the universes were the exact same (which, again, with every action there is an equal and positive reaction) then it stands to reason that every decision after that (unless influenced by an outside source) would also be the exact same. Which means that the "multi-verses" would all be the exact same universe. Unless acted on by an outside source.
  16. The multiplayer in Halo CEA was literally just bonus material. The amount of time and production it would require to revamp the multiplayer on that level would be immense. Considering that Halo CEA doesn't even use it's own servers (it LITERALLY just uses Reach's servers), and that the multiplayer is cross-game, it would be too costly to do it. Especially considering that people wouldn't exactly flock to play a game that they played for months (if not years) on end back in the golden days. There's a reason we all moved on. Just sayin.
  17. I myself would like to believe in a Multi-Verse, simply because it means that somewhere out there I'm a billionaire. However, if we take in the multi-verse theory then the theories of "chance" and "coincidence" go out the window. I'll explain why. If there are a multitude of universes, then each different universe would have things play out in a certain way, otherwise two or more universes would end up exactly the same. Even if this "certain way that things have to play out" is attitude shifts of certain individuals, one can hardly state that those changes are based on chance. Somewhere along the line something influenced the timeline of that universe to play out differently. For instance let's say that the altered timeline started with one circumstance in every universe. You go to your favorite place to shop, and order your favorite drink. In one universe, you get your drink and walk away while drinking it. In another universe, you inexplicably change your mind and walk away drink-less. In yet another universe, you decide to look at all the options before ordering your drink. Now these seemingly benign happenstances could have massive impacts on the world around you. Let's say in the universe you are drinking and walking in, you trip and stumble into a female who will one day marry you and make you happy for the rest of your life. The universe you walk away drinkless you run into a high school flame that ends up marrying you and murdering you in your sleep. In the universe you looked at all the drink choices the cashier notices how cute you are and ends up having a one night stand with you that turns into what can only be called the worst relationship you've ever had. So you see, three very different outcomes from just one choice. And these outcomes will effect all of those around you. So what prompted this "change in heart"? When you flip a coin, the only reason it has a 50/50 chance of landing on either of it's sides is because of variables. How high you flip it, how strong the gravity is, wind resistance, air pressure, and whatnot. This means that YOU cannot predict which side it will land on. However, someone with all of the information COULD. If the exact same variables (down to the very atom) were repeated, then the coin would land on the same side every time. That being said, consider this. Up to the decision that you made that changed the universe, EVERYTHING was the same, across the board. The weather, air pressure, your clothes, the way you slept and ate, the way you dressed, and every single other thing. The only different thing was the choice you made. So, without something directly intervening in your decision, your choice would be the exact same every time it was repeated. "With every action, there is an equal and positive reaction" would go out the window otherwise. So if you understood all of the things said above, then you could only come to one logical conclusion. If there is a multi-verse, then there is also such a thing as "destiny". Discovering if there were a multi-verse or not would probably be the hardest evidence of the existence of a God or Gods.
  18. Welcome back The Welcomer! We missed your greetings!
  19. Try putting a door in the area that you sleep. Sometimes mobs will spawn because it registers as you having left your door open if your house is too big. If that doesn't work then it is a glitch caused by the update.
  20. With the amount of bullet spread that's attributed to bloom you can get a headshot while aiming at a persons chest. As a matter of fact, it's more common to get a kill from spamming then it is from actual aiming and pacing your shots. But again, beating a dead horse here.
  21. Speaking of Dibs, there is also a rule about "shotgun". You can only call shotgun if the front seat is unoccupied. You can only call shotgun once in sight of the vehicle. You cannot call shotgun if the front passenger seat is covered with something important to the driver (e.g. GPS system, speakers, etc.) however, if it is filled with easily moved material calling shotgun means you have to move the material. There are those with "permanent shotgun", which means they get the front passenger seat no matter what. The list of those with permanent shotgun: 1. Girlfriends or spouses. 2. Parents. 3. Someone who is closer to the driver than you are (e.g. best friends with the driver). 4. The oldest sibling. 5. The Elderly. 6. The owner of the vehicle. 7. Someone to whom the driver owes a debt. 8. The only passenger. Those who are not allowed to call shotgun: 1. Someone whom the driver hates (if they are listed above then this doesn't apply). 2. Someone who is being dropped off midway through the trip. 3. Someone who would have to move the front passenger seat back. 4. Someone who has previously messed with the radio of the car. 5. "That guy". Penalty of calling shotgun when you are not allowed to automatically makes you "That guy" and you will have your privileges revoked.
  22. There would be licensing concerns, as the company that owns Iron Man doesn't do the "creative thinking" patent like Microsoft does. Microsoft will end up having to pay royalties, so I doubt it would happen. However, it WOULD be kind of cool to have armor configs that emulate your favorite characters from certain series.
  23. I'll just go ahead and list the things that I am a little disappointed about and things that make up for it. 1. The look of the weapons. The sniper doesn't really look that great. I like the look of most of the other weapons but I used to use the scope of the rifle to tell when there were things in my blindspot, because the rifle is quite large and takes up a decent chunk of the lower right of the screen. Can't do that anymore. On the bright side though, they've slowed down the fire rate (compared to Halo 3, it's roughly the same as Reach's) which means more headshots and fewer double taps, and it sounds amazingly similar to an actual Barrett. 2. Honestly, having recently been really into BF3, looking at the "loadouts" was like Deja Vu to me. It makes sense that they would have to borrow something from another game eventually, but it's still a little disappointing to see it happen. On the other hand, the loadouts look like they are going to enhance the gameplay quite a bit. 3. Bloom. I don't know if the bullet spread in H4 is going to be as ridiculously high as it was in Reach, but when I saw that reticle expand a little bit of me died inside. On the other hand, they now have hit-markers to let you know that your shots are on target, which is something that every FPS should have. Imo 4. The release date is too far. IWANTITNOW! lol That about does it for the list of things that I was kind of disappointed to find out. However, I will say this. Spartan Ops looks ridiculously fun, I'm glad that Matchmaking has been sorted out a bit, and I am loving the new weapon sounds. Anyone who has fired an M16 or any other sort of assault rifle will tell you that you hear the buffer spring more than the boom. The first time I fired one I thought my weapon was going to fall apart because of how loud that spring sproings. I'm glad that the sounds are now based on actual weaponry rather than what they THINK a weapon sounds like. On a side note, the BR sounds nearly exactly like an M16A-4 on burst fire. The DMR sounds like an M16A-4 on single fire. Just so you guys know.
  24. The code "Bros before [females]" only applies to a relationship that is younger than 8 months. This code does not apply to long term committed relationships, such as marriage. The reason behind this is because at that point, they are considered part of your family, so "bros before [females]" would conflict with "family comes first". The previous listing was discussed and included in the brocode in 2010 by a committee of 10 bros.
  25. On my first account I had 62740. On my new account I have 29200. My first account was mainly offline, and got banned from XBL after I had a bit too much fun with glitches in Halo 3 and MW2.
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