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The Director

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Everything posted by The Director

  1. Hope you have fun on your trip. lol Come back safe.
  2. Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your stay. We hope to see you on here every day. But if you can't, we understand. There's other things that are more grand. But all are welcome, this you know, and I'm done with poetry. That stuffs harder than it looks. lol Anyways, welcome.
  3. Lmao well, glad you got your signature working, and welcome to the forum if you haven't been welcomed already.
  4. 5.41602560309064 A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could if a woodchuck could chuck wood. You're cool. You play piano, which is cool. You're decent at Halo (other than a few fails here and there xD), which is cool. So, overall, cool.
  5. Well, it's been my lifelong goal since Twinreaper got it, so I hope that I am qualified by now.
  6. Because it's not something you can see. It's something you have to taste.
  7. Super compacted mass. Specifically, what used to be planets and stars, now crushed into a little bitty (and VERY dense) ball. Or maybe cube. Who can say for sure? lol
  8. infinity isn't a number, so the answer would be "pi/infinity"
  9. At the same time it always does. Well, a better answer would be "Here you go http://www.trainenquiry.com/o/indexNS.aspx for your train, good sir" but I sensed a bit of sarcasm. lol
  10. When I betrayed LoFi on the anniversary Playdate. Was SPECTACULAR
  11. These are "site medals". Basically, they don't appear in game. The site keeps track of your game progress and gives you awards based on them. Sort of like Waypoint with achievements and milestones.
  12. It could have been written better. But, overall it was pretty informative.
  13. I'm a Mythic, nearing Noble. And Halo 2 <3
  14. I like him, he's cool. A bit big on the "insult everyone" kick, but other than that and his butchery of the English language (sometimes ;D) he's fun to talk to and play Halo with.
  15. The covenant made modifications to the Dreadnought, including some new doors here and there so they could get to places easier. And don't underestimate superhuman strength multiplied by MJOLNIR armor lol He indeed could rip a door off.
  16. Usually it returns you to the lobby if your controller has been disconnected. That's why people either put rubber bands on their controllers or come back every 10 minutes or so to move a joystick. lol
  17. If they have the gate open and unguarded, then yes. However, if neither of these two options are present, then no. Some sneaking and or combat will be required to enter Mordor.
  18. Very carefully lol Here's a walkthrough http://strategywiki.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Ocarina_of_Time/Water_Temple
  19. Did you know that Halo 2 had 1.5 Million preorders before its release, making it an XBox "Platinum Hit" months before it was even released.
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