Except that I'm not wrong, and you are still not posting anything to prove me wrong except, again, "Nuh uh". We can do this all day. My points are valid, tested, and proven.
Yeah, and every playlist in Halo is Team somethingorother. Everything is a team game with the exception of rumble pit. However, if there were no randoms playing SWAT, who would you and your team go against? The same team 20 times in a row? Is that preferable to you? Not everyone has the luxury of having four people who are online and want to play Halo at the same exact time they do. Playlists that are specifically made for teams aren't usually very occupied (MLG, Arena). It's called Team SWAT because you are split up between Red and Blue, not because you need teamwork to win. Pinnacle and Uncaged are maps that if you don't play as a team, you lose. Hard.
While I don't like Asylum, Sword Base, or Reflection for Swat (or even Slayer for Reflection), Countdown is a perfectly symmetrical map. No team has an advantage over the other one. That means either team can camp in the corners if they so desire. That makes it an equalized map, which Uncaged and Pinnacle are not. Also, I'm reminded by a conversation I had with a couple of the more "pro" forgers on forge hub. They seemed to think that Bungie had actually made these maps for the purpose of FFA gameplay rather than with team games in mind. The only reason these maps were voted for is because people want easy kills. Also, don't know if you've noticed this or not, but forge world maps were at the top of the list unless they were magnums. Which means only half the lobby had to vote for them to get them. Wasn't exactly a well kept secret which teams had the advantages and why, so if red team voted Pinnacle, and blue team voted none of the above or any other map for that matter, it would always be Pinnacle.
Also, you seemed to have disregarded my previous statement that these maps were likely deemed unfitting for SWAT not by the community, but by 343i based on their own results. 343i didn't say "We are gonna take em out cause we want to make the forum guys happy". Actually, they didn't say anything at all about it. Your whole argument about them listening to forum goers and ignoring the community at large is rendered moot by this point.
I'll leave you by saying this. This thread is pointless. 343i made the decision they thought was right, and if the TU is any indication, are not going to reverse their position. What I was trying to explain was why they may have come to this decision. The only reason I've posted more about it is because, frankly, I can't resist a good debate.