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The Director

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Everything posted by The Director

  1. That's one theory, but another theory is that those stars are held in orbit around a black hole that has yet to become super-massive. Either way, it will be an amazing show.
  2. True enough, actually. It's a rather large asteroid that is being classified as a mini-moon because of it's orbit.
  3. It's cardboard, which in and of itself has decent airflow through it. You should be fine Although, try to find a wood surface sooner rather than later. The dust from the cardboard could clog your vents.
  4. I never use my right shift key. Ever. Kind of an OCD thing.
  5. Here's a picture of what scientists believe our galaxy looks like, based on quite a bit of information gathered from probes and pictures. Take a good look at the center. It's so bright that no one really knows what's at the center. It could be a huge cluster of stars. But, here's a picture of Centaurus A, a different galaxy. Look closely at the center. Pretty bright right? Kind of like ours. The twist is what's in the center of Centaurus A is a giant black hole. While we cannot yet know for sure what is at the center of our galaxy, some astrologists are led to believe that it's also a giant black hole. This may be a scary thought, but not to worry. It will be billions, if not trillions of years before we are effected by it if there is a black hole, maybe even more than trillions. Before that time, our galaxy should actually collide with the Andromeda galaxy. But before that happens, the sun will bake the Earth to a crisp. Again, not to worry, all of this is billions of years off. Still though, it SHOULD encourage space exploration. As a just in case. Wanna know something else that's pretty cool? Our planet has captured a mini-moon in it's orbit. It's very small (compared to other celestial bodies) and I'm not sure if you can actually see it with the naked eye at night, but it's there. It's simulated trajectory has it wandering around our planet for a while, then taking off to go explore the rest of the solar system. Thoughts? Comments?
  6. The Halo movie is still sitting on the shelf because it's going to take more budget than they expect to make profits from. They don't usually make a movie per game in a series, they usually make one movie spanning 3 or more games. And with Halo, being one of the flagstones of the X-Box, they don't want to end up like most video game based movies. Which is why they have shelved the project for now. They may take it off the shelf and blow the dust off it and take another look at it if Halo 4 does well enough.
  7. Nah, thinking he's just a stand in. Like David Atchison except with MoM instead of US presidency
  8. Ahhhhh lol that explains it xD I was going "Wait, all we have to do is greet new members and preform automated tasks?" xD
  9. Watch it be inhabited by the flood...
  10. ^ True story. One of the best ways to rank up really quick is with firefight. Plus, most of the newer folks have the advantage of custom challenges as well, making firefight even more profitable for ranking up.
  11. Except that I'm not wrong, and you are still not posting anything to prove me wrong except, again, "Nuh uh". We can do this all day. My points are valid, tested, and proven. Yeah, and every playlist in Halo is Team somethingorother. Everything is a team game with the exception of rumble pit. However, if there were no randoms playing SWAT, who would you and your team go against? The same team 20 times in a row? Is that preferable to you? Not everyone has the luxury of having four people who are online and want to play Halo at the same exact time they do. Playlists that are specifically made for teams aren't usually very occupied (MLG, Arena). It's called Team SWAT because you are split up between Red and Blue, not because you need teamwork to win. Pinnacle and Uncaged are maps that if you don't play as a team, you lose. Hard. While I don't like Asylum, Sword Base, or Reflection for Swat (or even Slayer for Reflection), Countdown is a perfectly symmetrical map. No team has an advantage over the other one. That means either team can camp in the corners if they so desire. That makes it an equalized map, which Uncaged and Pinnacle are not. Also, I'm reminded by a conversation I had with a couple of the more "pro" forgers on forge hub. They seemed to think that Bungie had actually made these maps for the purpose of FFA gameplay rather than with team games in mind. The only reason these maps were voted for is because people want easy kills. Also, don't know if you've noticed this or not, but forge world maps were at the top of the list unless they were magnums. Which means only half the lobby had to vote for them to get them. Wasn't exactly a well kept secret which teams had the advantages and why, so if red team voted Pinnacle, and blue team voted none of the above or any other map for that matter, it would always be Pinnacle. Also, you seemed to have disregarded my previous statement that these maps were likely deemed unfitting for SWAT not by the community, but by 343i based on their own results. 343i didn't say "We are gonna take em out cause we want to make the forum guys happy". Actually, they didn't say anything at all about it. Your whole argument about them listening to forum goers and ignoring the community at large is rendered moot by this point. I'll leave you by saying this. This thread is pointless. 343i made the decision they thought was right, and if the TU is any indication, are not going to reverse their position. What I was trying to explain was why they may have come to this decision. The only reason I've posted more about it is because, frankly, I can't resist a good debate.
  12. Welcome to the forums. Hope you have an awesome time
  13. Fact of the matter is that the game hasn't been released yet. It hasn't even been finished yet. Anything that's leaked is subject to dramatic change as more ideas crop up. While they are building the game, they add things in and take things out. As a matter of fact, in Halo 2 they did this so much that it almost screwed them over. Nothing about Halo 4 is set in stone until they finish the game and put it on the assembly line. My advice to you is don't judge a book by it's cover, especially when it isn't even written yet.
  14. New Medicine - Race you to the bottom? If I die and go to hell real soon It will appear to me as this room and for eternity I'd lay in bed in my boxers half stoned with a pillow under my head.
  15. Now, while I am not MLG in any way whatsoever, I am a rather competitive gamer. I use call-outs, military maneuvers, and try to use teamwork (doesn't work out well sometimes, but still). In my own humble opinion as a competitive gamer, what needs to be brought back in Halo is equality. What they need to remove from Halo (as much as possible) is luck. It is not in the spirit of competitive gaming to give one team an advantage over another team at the very start of the game. This is done with maps. When you give one team highground and a lot of cover at the beginning of a game and put the other team out in the open with limited cover, you are setting one team up for failure. Even casual gamers can appreciate this. The maps should be as symmetrical as possible, and if they are not symmetrical then they need to be set up in such a way that both teams are on equal footing at the start of the game. Another thing that ruins competitive gaming is luck. What I mean by luck is the ability to get a lucky shot. This is increased by increasing bullet spread and adding bullet magnetism. This has been argued to death about, so I dread even bringing it up, but the more bullet spread there is, the more luck there is in where your shots go. The more bullet spread there is, the more playing Halo feels like a trip to Vegas. That's the only two things I can think of that haven't been covered yet.
  16. Gonna have to go with Halo 2. And I could've SWORN I've seen this thread somewhere before... I think it was one where Serene Mystic, Twinreaper, and I were at each others throats over Halo 2. xD
  17. D:< Why doesn't America have awesomeness like that happen! >.<
  18. No no no no, you've got that wrong. Cyan is blue. Not the other way around. THAT'S like saying all automobiles are Hondas instead of saying all Hondas are automobiles.
  19. As it turns out, we are all wrong. It is not pink, it is not lightish red, and it is not salmon. What is is then? Minus green. Science has been dropped. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9dqJRyk0YM
  20. Any suggestions on Awards I should go after?

    1. Lᴜᴋᴇ
    2. The Director

      The Director

      How do you get it?

    3. Lᴜᴋᴇ


      Check the awards. It's a "Special award."

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