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The Director

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Everything posted by The Director

  1. Well I've done it again. I've finally beaten my record of 92 posts in one day. The new record is 106. Oh, and check this out :D http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/7616-perfect-reason-to-smile/

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      106 posts in one day! that is a ton of posts, and congrats again on 1000 posts

    2. FIREN4
  2. Thank you kind sir I hope it makes AD lawl too xD
  3. Blacklight is that arcade game right? If so, then yes it is that bad imo LOL But yeah, the link isn't on Halo.xbox.com because they work for microsoft and are legally obligated to suppress leaks whenever possible. Same goes with 343i, that's why Frankie could neither confirm nor deny the leak. Also, it's this month that that article is being released, right? If so why worry about leaks when you get to see the 100% bonafied real deal soon?
  4. Oh definitely fire. It would burn the ropes. Unless they are chains, which would suck. Still fire though. Heat > water to me. WYR Have uncontrollable projectile vomiting or explosive diarrhea?
  5. And you get one from me lol ty The MoM would be a member of the three lower tiers that is outstanding in their field.
  6. There's nothing really that I hate about HW3. Overall, it's a decent game given the circumstances. Strategy games are difficult to make on consoles, and are even more difficult to weave an intricate story around. It did a good job at both, IMO. Sucks about the multiplayer though, keep at it and I'm sure you will get the achievements you desire
  7. I've been addicted to Assassin's Creed since the second one :3 I've played brotherhood, but I have one more to play before I pick up AC3. -.- AC3 sounds AMAZING though.
  8. Lol you did it wrong, but that's okay I would aid Soviets because they haven't killed thousands of Americans before :3 WYR have duel plasma rifles or a plasma repeater in real life?
  9. How do you do THAT? o.O Like, how many does it take?
  10. Yay I r b friendz lol And welcome to the forum I missed your intro thread, so here is my official welcome
  11. The Inheritor lol and http://www.gamespot.com/overlord/reviews/overlord-review-6173333/ Have a read What is your greatest accomplishment?
  12. Oh an elite definitely. WYR have duel plasma rifles or a plasma repeater?
  13. SWAT for the bloody, gory win! Welcome to the forum. I think we'll get along JUST fine
  14. Cake. The pie is a lie. Don't believe the pies lies about the cake. WYR Be a Spartan or a Forerunner that lived?
  15. I ban FIREN4 because his name reminds me of Donald Trump.
  16. Donut can testify to this, as well as ZB. We decided to play team snipers. The vote, for countdown. We geared up for some intense warfare, mentally psyching ourselves up to the possible challenge. We had NO idea how evenly matched we were going to be. Donut and I were team shooting, and were being team shot. It was a VERY close game. Then, we noticed the scores... 48 to 48... Donut and I had spawned at blue lift, and were under heavy fire. Grenades, pistol spam, and a few sniper shots later, Donut had died but had taken one of our assailants with him. It was now 49 to 49, and I was left with low shields and an opponent right in front of me with low shields. We both fire our snipers and miss one, two, three, four times. Then we brought out the magnums and two shots later had popped each other's shields and had closed in to melee range. We both melee at the exact same time, ending the game with a 50-50 tie.
  17. No, not really lol And mine WAS a yes or no question, yes and no are words, right? Would you walk on lit coals for money?
  18. LOLTwinreaper, idk if he has been said or not xD
  19. Oh, and I'm going to try to break that record right now actually ;D
  20. Sorry for the delayed response guys lol I was doing the playdate thing. xD Thank you for all your support everyone And thank YOU for the other award Spectral Jester! I shall wear it with pride
  21. I noticed! Looks good. And I'm glad to hear you are having fun. Haven't seen you in the shoutbox much, why is that?
  22. You are a great man adam. Cortana still manages to look attractive, albeit a bit crazy. o.O
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