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The Director

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Everything posted by The Director

  1. I can't believe it's taken me so long to find this! I wonder how the BR and DMR will match up against each other...
  2. Nah, guys, for real though. I should be at LEAST number 2.
  3. Yes. What's your favorite word? ;D
  4. Well since no one has said mine yet... The Director cuz that's how I roll. ;D
  5. Firstly, modding has been around since before Halo CE. If you think that this is 343i's fault, you are sad and mistaken. How about instead of raging and demanding 343i do something, you report the person who is modding like you are supposed to? Also, I feel as if I should point this out, but in theater mode it ALWAYS shows someone else in third person, and ALWAYS with the reticle at a different area than it was in game. Also, people spamming the pistol and getting lucky are actually a pretty common occurrence. That's why hardly anyone paces their shots except in long distance SWAT games.
  6. I am not sure if there is one as of yet, however halo.xbox.com is coming out with a fileshare feature in the near future, so no worries
  7. I've actually just recently started playing Halo Wars again, and overall it's not a bad game. I wish they had made it a bit less cartoony in the actual gameplay, but for a console strategy game it's fairly decent. I'd give it an 8/10.
  8. Honestly, I'll take the good with the bad. Multiplayer isn't the reason I play Halo, I play it for the story. If it has a great story, then idc about multiplayer, imo it's a great game.
  9. 2.99 million* You just got comed at bro. Jester is so awe inspiring that it's said that HE was the one who posed for "The Thinker". ;D
  10. You're supposed to ask a question after giving the answer lol Has anyone played Overlord before?
  11. Spectral Jester is so epic that there if a four million letter word custom made to fit how epic he is. Mine is only 3 million. I r b jealous.
  12. I would love to be able to play the entire Halo series again. However, since my Halo 2 has gotten REALLY old it no longer works So now, I can only play EVERY OTHER HALO GAME EXCEPT 2! There's something very very wrong with that if you ask me. >.>
  13. Exactly my friend. Exactly. lmao There is a bot who greets new members upon creation of their account, or first post. Not sure which. It does it in the shoutbox. lol
  14. No, my hands shake for some reason. Do you know of Resonance of Fate?
  15. Lately, I have been playing a game called Resonance of Fate. This game is one of the ones that didn't get very much media attention, so has very little in the way of a walkthrough. I love this game though, because it has some of the best CGI in-game that I've ever seen, it has over-the-top comedy, and LOT'S of action packed firefights. The way they have the combat system (scratch damage and direct damage) also makes you think before you shoot. This game is pretty up there in difficulty, however, because it doesn't give waypoints. Instead it gives you directions and hints, making it all the more satisfying when you finally beat a mission. The game also gets progressively difficult, making it so that you have to remember to level up before you can progress in the storyline. I have yet to beat it, because it is a LONG game, and look forward to that final cutscene. As a side note, the character customization features in this game are absolutely brilliant for a linear RGP. I definitely recommend this game to those who haven't played it, and ask those who have, what do you think of it?
  16. Looks like One and I could get into trouble with talk of our shared interest in "videos" now o.o lmao
  17. Honestly, quitters = better than join in progress IMO. I hate joining games where I'm on the losing team and they are being spawn camped hardcore. >.< I hope they decide against that in post production. The rest of it, I'm actually okay with.
  18. Not going to lie, that would probably be me xD But seriously though, it would be hilarious to watch people play it lmao
  19. You X-Box abuser! D: lol I think you may have confused some words there Biggles :3
  20. I give Azaxx's a 9/10 because while the sig looks awesome, the generals rank seems a bit... low... lmao
  21. Speaking of the Halo 4 beta, is there any word as to whether or not there actually may be one yet?
  22. Well ello there I'm glad you like Halo, and am also glad to be the second (counting the bot you might not have seen) to welcome you to the best forum in the Haloverse.
  23. Firstly, is there any specific requirement for the unlocking to occur, or is it going to happen whether I play 24/7 or not? lol Secondly, here's a brotip for those of you who did the achievement whoring required for teh reconz. Who said that all that time was a waste? There are still other Halo titles to be played you know.
  24. Courage the Cowardly dog was funny in a "WTF" kind of way, and Johnny Bravo was funny in an "OMG" kind of way. I honestly can't choose one or the other.
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